Bold Women In Business Podcast by honeybebold

Episode 3: Building A Values-Aligned Business

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Episode notes

Running a business is hard, but it’s a whole lot easier and a whole lot more enjoyable when your business is fully aligned with your values. This episode explores the power of building a values-driven brand.

As a follow-up to last week’s incredible interview with Hyacinth Tucker, we’re digging deep this week into what it means to build a values-driven business and whey that’s so important. 

Key takeaways

  • Running a business aligned with your values brings more fulfillment and joy.
  • “People chase money, but money follows value” 
  • Defining your identity pillars will help you create a clear brand strategy that resonates with your ideal clients.
  • Stay connected to your values to ensure your business brings you joy and attracts the right clients.

Action items

Hosted by: Rachel Honeyman
Music by: Shmukelele
Produced by: Honeybebold

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