Brummie Mummies

How to live life for less with Gemma Bird aka Money Mum

How to live life for less with Gemma Bird aka Money Mum

Brummie Mummies

Published: 22 November 2022 at 01:00 UTC

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Episode notes

Want to know how to budget for school trips, save on school uniform, make days out affordable, have a great Christmas without spending a fortune and even how to chip away at your mortgage? Well, this week’s guest has the savvy know-how to do just that.

Zoe chats with Gemma Bird, who is best known to hundreds of thousands of parents on Insta and TikTok as Money Mum. Find out the tricks Gemma has up her sleeve for us when it comes to paying the bills and having some left over to enjoy ourselves

The Brummie Mummies podcast is a Laudable production brought to you by Brummie Mummies and Birmingham Live.

Hosted by Zoe Chamberlain
Produced and edited by Matt Millard