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As we're nearing year-end, I have been reflecting back on so many wonderful experiences I've had this year and all the gifts and lessons they brought me. If you've been following me for a while, then you may know that a few months ago, I participated in a speaking competition. 

Today, I share what sparked my decision to enter, because the way I made this decision is how I believe we all should be making decisions... Plus, I share the surprising gifts that came from the experience.

While I didn't win a trophy, I was rewarded in numerous ways. I gained deeper connections with my dad, my husband, my friends, and my online community. I experienced healing for myself at a deeper level. I was able to detach from an outcome. And then I uncovered that sneaky, hidden expectation that reminded me how there really is always a choice in everything we do, especially when we assume there isn't.

What You’ll Learn:

- What led me to join a speaking competition

- Why it is crucial to listen to your inner compass

- How I was able to manage my expectations 

- Why I felt uncomfortable while rehearsing

- What important advice my Dad gave me to improve my delivery

- How important it is to redefine “winning” and “success”

- What key takeaways I was rewarded with out of this experience

This experience showed me how far I've come in how I relate to things in my life, and how I don't let those supposed measurements or milestones have control over me the way they used to.



- Watch my 5-minute inspirational speech ‘Bracing for Impact’ here:

- Get my FREE 7-minute training ‘Your First Step to Better Life Balance’ 

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