Cracking the Code of Spy Movies!

2022 Highlights, Shout Outs, and a Look Ahead

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Here is a look back at the 2022 Highlights at

As we look back on this past calendar year, finishing up 3 and a half years of and our podcast show and YouTube channel, Cracking the Code of Spy Movies, we realized how blessed we have been! 

2022 was a big year for us. In this episode we look at these highlights:

  • Launched a redesign of our website
  • Started a live monthly trivia game
  • Released our weekly Cracking the Code of Spy Movies podcast
  • Released 22 YouTube videos on our Cracking The Code of Spy Movies channel
  • Conducted numerous interviews
  • Continued to grow the Worldwide Community of Spy Movie Fans through our social media presence
  • and more ...

So, join Dan and Tom as they look back at their 2022 highlights, give some shout outs to active members of our community, and look ahead to 2023.

Ideas/Comments? Info@cracking-the-code-of-spy-movies

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