The Genetics Podcast

EP 143: Harnessing human data in drug development with Jakob Steinfeldt, Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer at Pheiron

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Episode notes

0:00 Intro to The Genetics Podcast

01:00 Welcome to Jakob and background on Pheiron

02:14 What made Jakob decide to start Pheiron, what the company does, and how his scientific background inspired him to found a start-up

5:24 Jakob’s excitement and inspiration around the power and potential of machine learning

07:07 Cardiology and heart failure as an example of the gap between where research needs to be compared to where it is today

10:52 Why creating the GPS for identifying patients at increased risk of disease is a challenge on multiple fronts

12:42 How Pheiron’s approach and specificity is opening up the possibility of identifying highly-relevant patients and running clinical trials at greater pace

17.35 How testing potential treatments in a highly-specific population affects the design of Phase 3 clinical trials

21:19 The types of data required to build Pheiron’s GPS - from population scale insights to deep analysis within subgroups

23:48 Whether there is a shortage of healthcare systems with robust research arms looking to participate in such collaborations

27:30 Working with patients to build a collaborative commitment to data sharing

28:22 Making the decision to start Pheiron rather than continue working in medicine or research

30:38 Core learnings from building a company from the ground up

31:35 What Jakob is currently most focused on and what he hopes to achieve with Phieron in the immediate future

34:40 Closing remarks

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