Domestic Abuse: A Conversation With Surrey and Sussex Healthcare’s IDVA and guests

Season 1: Episode 4 Power and Control (Duluth Model of Power and Contol Wheel)

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Domestic violence involves a range of behaviors which can include physical and sexual violence; using coercion and threats; using intimidation; using emotional abuse, using isolation; minimizing, denying and blaming; using children; using male privilege; and using economic abuse. These forms of abuse do not occur in isolation from each other, but rather occur simultaneously. The Power and Control model of Domestic Violence identifies power and control as the goal of all of these tactics of abuse because victims’ experiences consistently indicate that the behavior of their partners is not random or arbitrary, but purposeful and systematic. The goal of abusers’ behavior is to exert control over their partners. This goal reflects their belief that they have a right and entitlement to control their intimate partners. The various forms of abuse, the different behaviors, are used a tactics of control. Let’s explore these tactics in this week’s episode .