Entrepreneurs Sushi Club

Paul Fabulous - A Free Singing Voice

Paul Fabulous - A Free Singing Voice

Entrepreneurs Sushi Club

Published: 1 July 2021 at 07:00 UTC

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Episode notes

Paul Fabulous' Super-Power is LOVE. His life experience and success have not always been so fabulous however. Twenty years as a vocal coach helping singers find their authentic voice he helped people create breakthroughs and did not fully realize love was behind it. But people were transforming. Clients started hiring Paul and referring friends and family to Paul for life and relationship coaching. Yet still Paul did not have the full understanding that love was behind their inner transformations they were having. Then he had his own love breakthrough and saw that love was his Super-Power all along. Contact - https://afreesingingvoice.com/contact Voice - https://afreesingingvoice.com Relationship - https://myfabulousrelationship.com/super Become part of the Entrepreneurs Sushi Club on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/entrepreneurssushiclub.

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