Eurovoix Podcast

Eurovoix Wrap-Up: Finding Nemo, Installing Windows and Meeting Joost in Amsterdam

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Episode notes

On this week's episode of Wrap-Up, the Eurovoix Podcast goes Dutch - we're in Amsterdam for Eurovision in Concert.

Neil Farren, Sem Anne van Dijk and new signing James Washak went to the Netherlands to bring the world of Eurovision to you - there's chats with homegrown hero Joost Klein, denim delight Windows95Man, popstars Aiko, Tali and Silia Kapsis, and the new contest favourite - Nemo.

And that's not all - there's more song previews including "We Will Rave" from Austria and "Zorra" from Spain with the rest of the Eurovoix team, we ask why Eurovision costs so much, and there's an update from Eurojury as the first results start to come in.

The contest is getting closer - so get closer to it than ever before. The Eurovoix Podcast is yours. 

Created and Produced by: James Stephenson
Host: James Stephenson
Contributors: Anthony Granger, Franciska van Waarden, Gerry Avelino, Neil Farren, Sem Anne van Dijk, Steven Heap
Editors: James Stephenson
Eurovision 2024 Artists: Joost Klein (Netherlands), Nemo (Switzerland), Silia Kapsis (Cyprus), Kaleen (Austria), SABA (Denmark), Dons (Latvia), Nebulossa (Spain), Windows95Man (Finland), Aiko (Czechia) and Tali (Luxembourg)

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