Eyes on Gilead: A Handmaid's Tale podcast

'No Man's Land' (507) recap

'No Man's Land' (507) recap

Eyes on Gilead: A Handmaid's Tale podcast

Published: 19 October 2022 at 08:43 UTC

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Episode notes

We have just watched episode 7 of season 5 of The Handmaid’s Tale. It's called "No Man's Land" and it was written by Rachel Shukert and directed by Natalia Leite: "Alone and isolated, June and Serena must labour together for both to survive." (Wink). There are multiple call backs to previous episodes, and previous encounters between June and Serena. DO YOU UNDERSTAND US?! This episode touches on so many items on our season 5 checklist! We need the debrief, how about you? Tell us your own reactions and theories on Twitter. Use the hashtag #EyesOnGilead (Find us at: @anythingbutfifi / @NatalieHambly / @HaideeIreland / @Sana_Qadar)