The Fboy Podcast

35: Battle of the Fboys

35: Battle of the Fboys

The Fboy Podcast

Published: 24 March 2022 at 05:00 UTC

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Episode notes

This week is our LAST EPISODE (for now) on the Fboy Podcast! 

We cover some family favourites from Rasputin to Cassie Chadwick to Bond as we go head to head with our ultimate F*ck-folk draft teams! We leave it up to you to decide who is crowned the WINNER! Message in the comments below!

Thank you so so much, sweet listener, for coming on this wild ride with us! We couldn’t have done it without you. We hope you’ve laughed, cried and figured out how to spot all those philandering f*ckboy’s out there! And if you ever forget, we’ll always be here...


Listeners, forever and always... We’re coming for you!

Love, Hanako, Kath & Hannah xx

If you have your very own Fboy (or Fgirl) story don’t be shy! Be sure to send them us at the submissions section on our website
We’d love to hear from you. 

Follow the Fboy Podcast on Twitter, TikTok and Instagram: @fboypodcast

And check out our website for even more delectable content! 

Edited by the glorious Alexandra Jueno for Audioboom Studios.

Artwork by the very sexy Katharine Orchard.

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