The Fboy Podcast

30: Crazy Rich Asians, featuring Sonoya Mizuno

30: Crazy Rich Asians, featuring Sonoya Mizuno

The Fboy Podcast

Published: 17 February 2022 at 05:00 UTC

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Episode notes

This week Hanako’s taking us to the skyscrapers of Singapore with Crazy Rich Asian!

We catch up with the sensational SONOYA MIZUNO who plays Araminta in the movie… We talk about representation, f*ckboys, food and so much more! You won’t want to miss this very special episode.

So watch out Nick, Eleanor and Sonoya... We’re coming for you!

If you have your very own Fboy (or Fgirl) story don’t be shy! Be sure to send them us at the submissions section on our website
We’d love to hear from you. 

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Love, Hanako, Kath & Hannah xx

Edited by the glorious Alexandra Jueno for Audioboom Studios.

Artwork by the very sexy Katharine Orchard.

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