The Fboy Podcast

34: Love is Blind

34: Love is Blind

The Fboy Podcast

Published: 17 March 2022 at 05:00 UTC

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Episode notes

This week Kath is cozying up with the lusty grooms and brides to be's of Love is Blind! USA AND JAPAN!

Sweet loves, this is our second to last episode for now :( So be sure to join us for our penultimate take-down as we put cupid to the test! Is Love Blind? Or is it just bonkers? Expect shag, marry, avoid, an inventory of icks and of course, a dodgy DJing veterinarian!

So watch out Wataru, Shayne, Shaina & Shake... We’re coming for you!
If you have your very own Fboy (or Fgirl) story don’t be shy! Be sure to send them us at the submissions section on our website

We’d love to hear from you. Follow the Fboy Podcast on Twitter, TikTok and Instagram: @fboypodcast
And check out our website for even more delectable content!
Love, Hanako, Kath & Hannah xx

Edited by the glorious Alexandra Jueno for Audioboom Studios.
Artwork by the very sexy Katharine Orchard.
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