F*CK Anxiety & Get Sh*t Done

Anti-Planning (+ What to do Instead)

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Episode notes

Ever heard the quote, "No plan survives first contact with the enemy"? It blew my mind and I had to dive into it on the podcast. If you've been with me for a while, you know I'm all for planning—when it works. And... after working with thousands of people, I've seen that 95% of the time, plans don't pan out. We spend too long creating them, don't follow through, and constantly shuffle things around.

In today's episode, we're ditching the plan-shame and embracing a fresh approach to success with Time Hacker principles. Plus, you'll walk away with a practical exercise to boost your productivity.

Curious about becoming a Time Hacker? Read more here: https://www.timehackers.xyz/time-hackers

Stay tuned for more details on the Productive Weeks Training! Watch this space....