F*CK Anxiety & Get Sh*t Done

Time Accessibility (& Special Announcement)

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Today we're sharing a Time Hacker value - Time Accessibility.


Have you ever considered the role that time accessibility plays in your decisions and experience of life? The norms, rules and structures we've built around time have caused many to miss promotion opportunities, goals, hobbies and enjoyment in life. In today's episode we're sharing with you one of our core values at Time Hackers: Time Accessibility, and sharing how it has driven our decision around our programming and the ways we work with clients.

AND special announcement, the Time Hackers Partial Scholarship is open right now, click here to apply: https://forms.gle/WtFe7bYjZ1wwLjmL9


The application will take just a few minutes, waiting and missing the window to apply will cost you days, weeks or even months in wasted time.