Firecracker Department with Naomi Snieckus

Anne Rab finds bravery in being bold on stage & in life

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Episode notes

Anne Rab’s improv career all started when she met a clown and stumbled into the art form that would change her life.

Although it was difficult to make the transition from a city where she had stability and comfort to one completely unknown, she tells Naomi that learned that she didn’t want to play it safe and to make the choice to just go for her dreams. 

Now, she carries this outlook through her teachings and thrives off of encouraging people to be comfortable with making mistakes and not worrying about “fucking it up” in her improv classes. 

Ultimately, Anne tells Naomi that her favourite thing about art and life is having people around, connecting, and even throwing some killer parties. And through all of the confusion and uncertainty that she felt when starting her career, that improv helped her discover - for certain - that this is all she’s ever wanted to do.