Firecracker Department with Naomi Snieckus

Alana Johnston wants to be the funniest she’s ever been

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Episode notes

For the past few years, performer and writer Alana Johnston has made it her mission to incorporate the theme of self-esteem into her artistic work. As the host of The Self-Esteem Party Podcast (on which this episode was first featured), she’s learned that the things we struggle with in regards to self-esteem might follow us forever, and that’s totally okay.

She also shares how her perspective has shifted after some major events occurred in her life in recent years, and how she’s now using her art to work through those traumatic moments. 

Through this brave discussion, Naomi and Alana speak about the importance of surrounding yourself with people who support your artistic endeavours, bringing yourself back to reality through positive self-talk, and embracing your weirdness. And Alana shares that now - more than ever - her ultimate goal is to be the funniest she’s ever been.