Firecracker Department with Naomi Snieckus

Nadine Antler gives herself permission to do the things she loves

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One thing’s for certain about improviser Nadine Antler is that her strength lies in taking care of people. 

From studying to be a social worker to putting on a decade-long improv festival and now running her own improv school, Nadine tells Naomi about her desire to help both actors and non-actors through the communication and boundary-setting skills that improv teaches. 

But despite committing to help others with this, she reveals that her personal challenge is her inner critic and the disappointment she faces when it rears its ugly head on stage and takes her out of the present moment. 

Although some of her shows go horribly wrong, she details how all she can do is pick herself up and continue on - and that making lists of how to improve helps her feel better. Even when improv can be challenging and scary, Nadine wholeheartedly believes that if you want to take a risk and try, there’s no need to wait for the right moment: that all you need to do is give yourself permission to do the thing you love.