Firecracker Department with Naomi Snieckus

Vanessa Matsui is a pro at taking things frame by frame

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With her wealth of experience as an actor, writer, improviser, and now a director, Vanessa Matsui always finds time to look back and thank her younger self for having the gumption and bravery to take chances. By stumbling through her experience creating, writing, directing, and acting in the award winning series Ghost BFF, Vanessa tells Naomi about how she learned to just keep going and follow through on her impulses in every role she played. She also recounts the discovery she made that all roads were pointing to her beginning to direct, and how much she loves that it allows you to access a different part of yourself. Naomi and Vanessa also have an enlightening conversation about the importance of looking back at your younger self and taking the time to grieve the dreams that didn’t come to fruition, before moving forward into the future. And although her fear and anxiety may take over in certain moments, Vanessa always reminds herself of the great advice she received when directing her first feature film Midnight at the Paradise: just take things frame by frame.