First Fuel

National Efficiency Schemes Summit 2023: Post event wrap

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Last month's National Efficiency Schemes Summit was the first of its kind: a national event bringing together participants in all Australia's state efficiency schemes – a remarkable fact by Energy Savings Industry Association President Rod Woolley.

That industry and government, NGOs and consumer groups from right around Australia had never gathered in one room before before to discuss the schemes was, as Luke says, “kind of bananas.” So with the stage lights still warm, we sat down with three key participants to discuss what the day meant and will continue to mean as Australia's schemes mature and diversify to keep pace with our changing energy systems.

Joining Luke to get out of the weeds and talk scheme strategy and impact are Caroline Bennett, CEO of Green Energy and Carbon Management, Steve Procter from the NSW Office of Energy and Climate Change, and Climateworks Centre's Anna Malos.

For more info on the Summit, head to