Genuine Chit-Chat

#100 Episode Special: Reminiscing, Starting The Podcast & The Application Of Meditation With Rhys Willis

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Episode notes

This week brings the 100th episode of Genuine Chit-Chat and to celebrate, Mike’s first ever guest & close friend Rhys Willis returns for a conversation with a range of vulgarity, hilarity and spirituality! For more detail, Mike & Rhys’ chat starts with a fairly vulgar discussion on “balls in bums” and a peculiar film named Visitor Q but past that, the conversation delves into less strange territory including Mike starting Genuine Chit-Chat, some past episodes Mike recommends for new listeners, Sam Harris & Joe Rogan, a few stories from Rhys & Mike’s childhood, how and why Rhys started using meditation, Rhys’ stance on many aspects of social media and many other topics! Mike spoke about the following episodes as recommendations for any newer listeners; 52 for the Church Of Satan chat, 81 for Maxwell Ivey (Blind Blogger), 48 for Gough (blind creator of Beernuts Productions) and 83 for the In The Black podcast chat.

Rhys’ Under The Bridge chillstep track (used for the GCC intro) 

In the last episode of GCC; number 99, Mike speaks with Bruce Wawrzyniak about a great many things circling the entertainment industry including Bruce’s company Now Hear This, his two podcasts, his involvement in the Olympics and other sporting events, Bruce’s favourite countries of the ones he has visited, five minutes of fame, pitfalls for entertainers, the value of collaboration, Bruce’s public speaking and many other topics are discussed!

Mike appeared on episode 8 of Max Byrne’s Mandatory Marvel & DC show about The Killing Joke. Mike also appeared on Tony Farina’s Indie Comics Spotlight to talk about the comic series Second Coming (Episode 13). Check out the podcast ROOM where Mike is in episode 1 of season 2 called “All Roads Lead To Room” as well as the episode "Jen And The Blob"!

Mike has another show, called Star Wars: Comics In Canon – all episodes can be found on Comics In Motion’s podcast feed and episodes will be out every Saturday; episodes 0-23 are now out, speaking about Chewbacca, the Galaxy's Edge, the Vader Down crossover, Lando, Mace Windu, Vader after A New Hope, the Fallen Order prequel comic, how Obi-Wan & Anakin almost left the Jedi order, Cassian met K-2SO, Beckett before Solo, The Rise Of Kylo Ren, Darth Maul beyond The Phantom Menace, how C-3PO got his red arm, Operation: Cinder, Captain Phasma, The Last Jedi comics, Mon Cala & more -

Genuine Chit-Chat is a part of the Brit Pod Scene, so be sure to check out the other members of the family as well as the BPS

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