Genuine Chit-Chat

#79 – Using History To Live Rationally: Future Goals, Historical Lessons & Dealing With Disruptions With John Vespasian

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Episode notes

This week brings a chat between Mike and John Vespasian; an author, avid historian and endorser of “rational living” – definitely a chat for anyone wanting to improve their life, achieve their goals or anyone with an interest in history!

The chat begins with John explaining rational living using the example of Howard Carter & his discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb before delving into how having future goals that are too specific can be damaging, followed by John’s view on how people should approach career changes (especially when later in life), John’s definition of disruptions and how they are presented in his new book (link below), why John started writing, some of John’s travels, John’s favourite period in history, his stance on immigration, his recommendation for everyone to learn a second language & much more is all discussed!

John’s Website - Find John’s latest book “Undisrupted” on Amazon (Link to UK but available elsewhere)

In case you missed last week, Mike spoke with Janine Mercer of the ODDentity podcast, where they spoke about many weird & wonderful things, including collecting artefacts, paranormal experiences, fears & phobias, pandemics & germs, health & finite living, dealing with the deaths of people you know in different ways, passing down stories, urban legends & folklore as well as horror movies and so much more!

STAR WARS FANS: check out Mike’s collaboration with Scott, Chris & Dave of the 20th Century Geek, Comics In Motion & VHS Strikes Back podcasts a full review of The Rise Of Skywalker which can be found on Comics In Motion’s feed (episode 108)! Plus there are several other Star Wars collaboration episodes on GCC, 20th Century Geek and Comics In Motion’s feeds, so check those out too!

Promo by The One Where Show

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