Genuine Chit-Chat

#155 Pt 1 – The Four Best Disney Films: An In-Depth Disney Discussion Establishing A Baseline Of Quality With Ria Carrogan & Spider-Dan

Published: 6 March 2022 at 17:39 UTC

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Episode notes

A NEW DISNEY PODCAST SERIES EMERGES! Mike & Megan sit down with Ria Carrogan & Spider-Dan for a new series; Disney Discussions! These four will be at the helm of the series, which will feature deep-dives into the huge pool of Disney movies and for this episode they start at the top; each person “champions” a favourite Disney movie of theirs to give a good baseline of what makes a great Disney movie (more details below). Spider-Dan recently did the first episode (a prologue, if you will) of Disney Discussions with Angry Andy’s partner Natalie, they discussed female villains’ many qualities and reflect on how they compare to a modern feminists’ view, especially compared to non-villainous Disney characters, listen here:

This week, in part 1 of their discussion, Mike starts the discussion with his champion; Hercules! After an in-depth discussion of the gang’s history with Hercules, it’s animation, characters, themes, music and connections to Greek mythology, Spider-Dan takes the reigns and talks about his champion; Beauty & The Beast (1991)! After an in-depth discussion on this (& Mike’s somewhat opposing viewpoints on it), Dan & Ria explain the specific importance of Belle as a character and Belle’s impact on Disney movies going forward.

Next week part 2 of this conversation will be released (it’s currently available for all Patreon supporters), where Ria champions Moana and then Megan finishes the discussion with Tangled – the gang also talk about how older films paved the way for movies like Moana & Tangled to be made before their discussion comes to an end.

Ria’s Twitter & Instagram: @RiaCarrogan – Ria’s new show; Femme On Film currently has three episodes out (with more to come) and is found on the feed of Comics In Motion, along with the shows Ria & JAC do with Tony Farina: Pop Guerrillas, Indie Comics Spotlight and Seasons Greetings, found here:

Listen to Ria’s appearance on 20th Century Geek, talking about Mike Flanagan:

You can find Spider-Dan at - Twitter: @Dan_Bores – Instagram: @Spiderdansecretbores

Find Megan on Instagram: @GrittsGetsFit

To listen to a completely free Patreon episode, check out the first in Mike & Megan’s Tom Hanks rewatch here:  

In the last episode of GCC, number 154, Mike spoke with Spider-Dan (again), they had an extra-long conversation about a huge array of topics, including Dan’s acting career, movies they both enjoy & the state of home media, comic books, the MCU, Star Wars and Spider-Man (obviously), plus a ton more, so if you enjoyed episode 155’s conversation, you’re sure to enjoy ep 154!

Check out Mike’s Patreon, where he releases at least 1 episode of his & Megan’s “Afterthoughts” a week, plus there are unsplit full-length episodes of GCC  and more, so if you want to support the show and get more content, check it out at

For any Star Wars fars; make sure you tune into the Book Of Boba Fett discussion show where Mike & various guests discuss each chapter of the new series week-by-week, you can listen on Mike’s YouTube channel, or on the feed of Comics In Motion!

Find Mike’s other show; Star Wars: Comics In Canon on Spotify & the other podcast apps on the feed of Comics In Motion & on GCC's YouTube. Episodes are out every Saturday; episodes 0-89 are out now, in ep 89 Mike tackled the second volume of Poe Dameron comics, in ep 88 Mike tackled the 2nd volume of High Republic comics (set at the time of The Rising Storm) and in ep 87 Mike went through Ty Yorrick’s origin story! Previous episodes topics include the War Of The Bounty Hunters crossover (all 34 tie-in issues) plus the Lando comics, the Journals of Old Ben Kenobi, Kanan Jarrus, Count Dooku, Kylo Ren, Darth Maul, numerous High Republic book reviews & moree -

Outro read by BZ The Voice:

Mike's guest spots: Mike returned to Star Wars Timeline to talk about accents in the Star Wars universe here: - Also check out Mike & Ben’s discussion on Mike returned to Star Wars Timeline to talk about The Force Awakens here: The Last Jedi here: and The Rise of Skywalker here:

Mike’s appearance on the Beernuts Productions podcast, listen here:

Mike was on the Talking Dad podcast, listen here:

Mike appeared on the Hall of Mears podcast, listen here: or watch the video version here:

Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – YouTube – Stitcher – Podbean – Spotify

You can also email Mike at [email protected] with any reviews, comments or suggestions.