Genuine Chit-Chat

#201 - What Is Having Cancer Actually Like? The Diagnosis, Experiencing Treatment & The Help Of Video Gaming With Jenna (& Megan)

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Episode notes

We hit the ground running with episode 201 with a in-person recording with a good friend of Mike & Megan’s; Jenna, to talk about her experience with breast cancer and how video games helped her get through it!

In more detail, Jenna starts with her history of video games, before delving into her cancer story; when she found the lump, the diagnosis process, the treatment itself and what was going on in the world when this happened. Jenna explains what radio & chemo therapy feels like, the symptoms she felt while going through the treatment, how frequently she had to have it, the results of the treatment and her life following, including how video games, such as the Legend Of Zelda, helped her through the post-cancer isolation during the COVID lockdowns – this is a conversation for everyone, as everyone knows, or will know, someone who gets cancer.

Jenna’s breast cancer type was HER-2 Negative.

More info on the Shine Charity Network: & Gamers Beat Cancer:

Listen to Megan’s COVID video gaming experience in episode 87 of GCC!

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Last week was episode 200, where Megan & Mike answered 32 listener questions in a near 2 hour special! A massive thank you to everyone who sent in questions; M&M talk movies, raising Willow, how podcasting has changed their lives, top moments, biggest challenges, superpowers, books, song lyrics, droids and a bunch of other questions covering topics around podcasting and beyond!


2 episodes of Mike, Maff & Dave’s show; Rebels Reviewed is out now, so listen to their thoughts on seasons 1 & 2 (as we get nearer to the Ahsoka series for the #RoadToAhsoka) on any podcast app or watch on YouTube: -  

Mike also appeared on Star Wars Timeline to talk about Ahsoka, as part of the #RoadToAhsoka:  

Mike was the judge on a recent Comics On Trial where Tony Farina & Scott Weatherly each give their stance on whether or not Indiana Jones & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull deserves to be held in the same regard as the original trilogy, listen or watch here: -

Find Mike’s other show; Star Wars: Comics In Canon on Spotify & the other podcast apps on the feed of Comics In Motion or on GCC’s YouTube channel. Episodes are out every Saturday; episodes 0-132 are out now; 132 featured volume 1 of Phase 2’s High Republic comics featuring Maz Kanata & Sav Malagán, ep 131 is about Yoda’s relationship with Count Dooku and the episode prior was a book review of Cataclysm! Previous episodes include the Hidden Empire crossovers, every canon Star Wars comic by Marvel, full High Republic coverage (book reviews & comics) & much more -   

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