Genuine Chit-Chat

#59 – Don’t Judge A Band By Its Genre: Horror Movies, Music Taste, “Making It” & “Selling Out” With Dan

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Episode notes

This week, Dan returns as a guest as although Mike & Dan were chatting for over 2 & a half hours, we’ve split this chat into two standalone episodes!

Mike’s chat with Dan continues this week with a change of subject matter as they talk about Dan’s time as a cameraman at Bestival and some of his work at university, before delving into a discussion regarding music, including Dan’s previous band experience and how bands “make it”, followed by a tangent about the perfect amount of people to watch movies with and some of their favourite horror movies, before getting into bands changing their sound & “selling out”, what one appreciates about their own music taste, “indie music” and the subjective nature of music genres and they finish it all with 3 album recommendations each, so be sure to say ‘til the end if you want to check out 6 new bands of different genres (or check below for ease)!

Last week Dan was on the show and they chatted about movies for the whole thing! They discuss Marvel & DC’s respective universes & recent movies before discussing their favourite Tarantino movies, how filmmakers often give too much exposition, before discussion other notable director’s work such as James Wan’s involvement in the Saw and the Fast & Furious franchise, followed by talks about Blade Runner & the book that inspired it (Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep), many other movies are mentioned before the chat is finished with Mike talking about Star Wars!

Before Dan was our guest (two episodes ago), Mike spoke with Frank of the Ragbag podcast about his new book One Hundred and his writing-process, what inspired him to write a 100-chapter short-story book, many of the thought experiments the book delves into, the idea of solitude not being a bad thing, what Frank & Mike define “milking” a series is, as well as discussing bad customer service, the process of recording & releasing an audiobook, what defines consciousness, the importance of community and much more – they even get into conspiracy theories towards the end of part 2!

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Dan recommends: Emergency & I by Dismemberment Plan – Yank Crime by Drive Like Jehu - Four Calender Cafe by Cocteau Twins – Souvlaki by Slowdive

Mike recommends: How To Be A Human Being by Glass Animals – Fear by Arrested Youth  - STRENGTH IN NUMB333RS by FEVER 333

Genuine Chit-Chat is also a part of the Brit Pod Scene, so be sure to check out the other members of the family as well as the BPS

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