Genuine Chit-Chat

#176 – Disney Discussions 4: Pixar’s Powerful Películas With Mike, Megan, Ria Carrogan & Spider-Dan

Published: 13 November 2022 at 23:01 UTC

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Episode notes

For the fourth instalment of Disney Discussions, everyone’s favourite pod-squad is back with their thoughts on four more Disney movies, this time it’s Megan hosting to talk Disney/Pixar Péliculas (movies in Spanish)! Tune in to hear them talk UP, Inside Out, Wall-E & Coco, discussing how they compare, common themes among them, why they’re the squad’s respective favourites and much more! Megan also provides several easter eggs in Coco and gives a little Spanish-culture lesson too!

Approximate worldwide box office revenue: Inside Out: $853m – Coco: $797m – UP: $731m – Wall-E: $532m

If you missed them, go back and listen to their previous Disney Discussions; the first & second are episodes 155 & 163 of Genuine Chit-Chat and their third discussion is on Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores in late September 2022:! Or you can visit this YouTube playlist:

The Latino review site Ria mentioned:

Ria’s Twitter & Instagram: @RiaCarrogan – Ria’s show; Femme On Film is found on the feed of Comics In Motion, along with the shows Pop Guerrillas & Indie Comics Spotlight here:

You can find Spider-Dan’s show, Patreon & further information on his websites or follow him on social media: Twitter: @Dan_Bores – Instagram: @Spiderdansecretbores

Find Megan on Instagram: @GrittsGetsFit or at

The last episode of GCC was Mike speaking with painter, illustrator, comic book artist & expressionist Elise McCall, talking about her creative process, inspiration, her many different pieces of art, interpreting art, working in the comic book industry and so much more!

Check out Mike’s Patreon, where he releases at least 1 episode of his & Megan’s “Afterthoughts” a week, and in October they released an episode every few days, plus there are unsplit full-length episodes of GCC and more, so if you want to support the show and get more content, check it out at   

To hear to a free Patreon episode, check out the first in Mike & Megan’s Tom Hanks watch here:  

Find Mike’s other show; Star Wars: Comics In Canon on Spotify & the other podcast apps on the feed of Comics In Motion or on GCC’s YouTube channel. Episodes are out every Saturday; episodes 0-112 are out now, in ep 112 Mike went into the third & final batch of horror anthology stories from Vader’s Castle, in ep 111 Mike delved into the 5-part Obi-Wan mini-series and in ep 110 Mike tackles the final batch of Crimson Reign comics! Previous episodes include the War Of The Bounty Hunters crossover (all 34 tie-in issues), every other canon Star Wars comic by Marvel, the Journals of Old Ben Kenobi, full High Republic coverage (book reviews & comics) & much more -    

Mike’s guest spots:

Mike went on Ike’s Flame podcast to talk about Phase 1 of The High Republic, listen here:

Mike appeared on Frank Burton’s I Like The Sound Podcast here:

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