Get Psyched

Got a busy mind? One.

Got a busy mind? One.

Get Psyched

Published: 31 January 2021 at 21:00 UTC

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Episode notes

Ever feel like you can’t turn your brain off?Or maybe you want to understand why someone in your life seems to ‘over-think’? In this episode of Get Psyched you’ll be introduced to four young people who talk about what it felt like when they couldn’t turn their brains off and what sorts of thoughts were running around in there! You’ll then find out why our brains do this as three different clinicians help us understand why all of us can sometimes get stuck on that mental ‘round-a-bout’. Plus, you'll get some useful thing things to do and say to support yourself and others.

Here are some handy links and resources for more information or for individual advice.

If you or anyone else is in immediate danger please call 000
To speak with someone urgently call Lifeline or the Suicide call back service
: 13 11 14 or
: 1300 659 467Suicide Call Back Service


: website
: for free online and telephone support and counselling to young people 12 - 25 and their families and friends
: with heaps of useful mental health info for young people
: for friends and family

Other Services:

: 1800 55 1800 or helpline
: to health Blue:
: 1800 332 388 or Health Services (Tasmanian) helpline

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