Griselda Togobo In Conversation With...

EP 21 Julianne Antrobus – Feeling The Fear And Doing It Anyway – A Leading Woman in Nuclear Energy

EP 21 Julianne Antrobus – Feeling The Fear And Doing It Anyway – A Leading Woman in Nuclear Energy

Griselda Togobo In Conversation With...

Published: 19 June 2023 at 11:28 UTC

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Episode notes

“Never turn down an opportunity. A door opens for a reason. Open it, go through it, and don’t have regrets because it will take you somewhere else.”

- Julianne Antrobus.

How do you go from feeling the fear to embracing the fear?

Meet Julianne Antrobus, a Leading Woman in Nuclear Energy and a Forward Ladies Awards Alumni.

From a young age, Julianne had a real curiosity about the world around her. This thirst for knowledge, and a passion for environmental science and technology, would eventually lead her to a career in nuclear energy. As a young graduate, Julianne found herself fielding two job offers. One was as a consultant with a consultancy firm. The other opportunity was an offer to join a large blue chip company named British Nuclear Fuels. While considering which path to pursue, a friend questioned how she could take on a consultancy role without any real world experience post-university. Taking those words to heart, she decided to take the job with British Nuclear Fuels to gain the experience she knew she was lacking.

In this episode, Griselda sits down with the inspirational Julianne Antrobus to discuss her career, highs and lows and secrets to embracing fears.

About Julianne Antrbus Julianne Antrobus is the Global Head of Nuclear for PA Consulting - a technology and innovation consultancy firm based in the United Kingdom. She has worked in the Nuclear Sector for over 20 years. Julianne is a previous recipient of Forward Ladies’ National STEM Ambassador Award in recognition of her ongoing contribution to early-stage careers and mentoring.