Griselda Togobo In Conversation With...

EP18. Building The Confidence to Start Your Dream Company | Sophie Adelman| CEO, The Garden

EP18. Building The Confidence to Start Your Dream Company | Sophie Adelman| CEO, The Garden

Griselda Togobo In Conversation With...

Published: 30 June 2022 at 03:43 UTC

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"It's interesting when you reflect on it, that 'failure' allowed me the opportunity to go on and experience other things, opened the door for me in different ways."  — Sophie Adelman  Sophie Adelman is the co-founder & CEO of The Garden, a seed-stage venture-backed startup building a Community for the Curious.  The Garden brings together people who love to learn for the joy of learning with passionate experts and with each other for Garden Talks & Conversation Circles. Garden Talks, covering topics that crosscut science, the arts, and society.     She previously co-founded and led Multiverse (formerly known as WhiteHat), a UK & US scale-up business, that is building an outstanding alternative to university through apprenticeships.  After stepping back from Multiverse in 2020, she spent time at Index Ventures as an Entrepreneur-in-Residence where she worked with existing portfolio companies, supported on new investments, and incubated The Garden.  Sophie is an active angel investor, mentor, and champion of the UK Tech Community.  In this episode of the leadership podcast, Griselda engages Sophie Adelman on her journey and how her career transitions helped build her confidence to start her dream company👏👏👏 Key topics discussed in this inspirational interview were: · The journey to starting Multiverse  · How to handle the pressure between drifting and dabbling jobs · How did to build yourself up to take a massive leap and start your own business