Grounded Content - Advertising, Marketing & Content Gets Real

The Ultimate Behavior Triggers with Dr. Rebecca Heiss

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Effective marketing is about motivating people to take an action - to follow your podcast, to hear your important message, to buy your product, read your book, or donate to your cause. Dr. Rebecca Heiss is an evolutionary biologist who studies evolutionary psychology. That means she's immersed in the age old baked in behavioral triggers we carry deep within ourselves. She's just published a book called instinct. Our brains excel at making split second decisions based on instinct. She explains the instinctual drivers of behavior that she covers in her book, we look at each of these and how they apply to the world of marketing. They include the drives for survival, procreation, variety and belonging.


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Rebecca’s Book Instinct: Rewire Your Brain with Science-Backed Solutions to Increase Productivity and Achieve Success Hardcover


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