Grown-Ass Woman's Guide

When Is It Time to Walk Away?

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Episode notes

We hear a lot about grief as it relates to death and dying. But today’s guest is an expert on grieving those who still walk among us. Melody Murray, is the author of “Mourning the Living:  When The Loved One You’ve Lost is Still Here” and “My Bounce Back Plan” (available November 2023). In this episode, she helps guide us through difficult relationships, and shares her expertise on when to know it’s time to create stronger boundaries, and when it’s time to move on.

About: Melody Murray is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Child Mental Health Specialist and author of two books. Melody has been featured in the NY Times, the Business Insider, "The Doctors", E! Networks and "Peace of Mind with Taraji" on Facebook Watch. She’s a former reality tv producer and director who, around the time she turned 40, made the giant leap into becoming a therapist. Connect with Melody at or on Instagram @MelodyLMFT.

Related episodes with Melody: 

How to Put the Joy Back in the Holidays

You Are Not Enough (and other lies we tell ourselves)

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