The Head Ballet Podcast

Tim Worthington on Daleks

Tim Worthington on Daleks

The Head Ballet Podcast

Published: 15 December 2020 at 14:03 UTC

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Episode notes

Welcome to The Head Ballet podcast! Paul Abbott invites guests to discuss their favourite novelty songs.

Returning to the show, laden down with a bag full of Skaro™ Brand Plum Pudding, is Tim Worthington who is transporting us in his own personal TARDIS back to December of 1964 so we can get together and twist along to The Go-Go's novelty Christmas offering, I'm Gonna Spend My Christmas With A Dalek.

Along the way we'll find out about the writer/producer Les Vandyke, the Oriole record label and investigate a seasonal snippet from the Radiophonic Workshop. Find all of Tim's podcasts and books via his website,