Honey, We Need to Chat
23. Weaponising Your Incompetence
Episode notes
This week we dive into another super important conversation in the world of relationships- Weaponised Incompetence!
Have you ever found yourself undermining your ability in order to get out of doing something? Have you experienced someone shirking their responsibilities by pretending they "don't know what to do"? Well you might have experienced manipulative, Weaponised Incompetence!
Similar to Mental Load, Weaponised Incompetence is a common struggle within relationships, one that often goes undefined and unaddressed, but that can contribute to contempt, criticism, mental load and an array of other dynamics. Regardless of your relationship status or role within your relationship, this conversation is an important one!
Join us as we dive into 3 Reddit Stories all on the topic of Manipulative Incompetence.
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