How to build a print brand in a digital world with Lucy Cleland, Co-Founder & Editorial Director of Country & Town House

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We often hear that print newspaper and magazine sales are declining as people switch to digital versions of their favourite titles. However, print still plays an important role in the publishing world and as ‘brand’ is such an important part of this I wanted to speak to someone who had started their own. 

In this episode, I hear from Lucy Cleland, co-founder and editorial director of the renowned B Corp Certified lifestyle magazine Country & Town House. Lucy co-founded the magazine in 2007, just before the financial crash of 2008, and has since continually advocated for living a ‘life in balance’ through its very popular print and digital editions. 

Keep listening to learn why Lucy thinks brand is important for any business but also why timing on developing it is key.

Lucy's advice:

  • Be aware of your market, and your position within it 
  • Concentrate on your unique selling point
  • When you’re starting out, brand is not necessarily the most urgent or important thing, as there’ll be so much else to get on top of
  • Take advice from your shareholders or board if possible
  • Invest in design and good writers
  • Consider the ethos of B Corp and promote its message where appropriate
  • Your branding may grow organically with your business
  • Use LinkedIn for help and advice
  • Remember you are your own best resource

FF&M enables you to own your own PR. Recorded, edited & published by Juliet Fallowfield, 2023 MD & Founder of PR & Communications consultancy for startups Fallow, Field & Mason.  Email us at [email protected] or DM us on instagram @fallowfieldmason. 

Let us know how your start up journey is going or if you have any questions you would like us to discuss in future episodes. 

FF&M recommends: 

MUSIC CREDIT Funk Game Loop by Kevin MacLeod.  Link &  Licence

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