
IOSM Conference - What Next and When: The Next 10 Years

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Back in May of this year the Catapult and the UK Space Agency collaborated on the IOSM Conference – a first of its kind event that brought together leading experts, researchers, and academia to discuss and showcase the latest advancements in IOSM technologies.

Today we’re sharing a live recording of a panel from Day Two of the conference - 'What Next and When’ exploring what we can expect from the industry over the next decade.  

This panel is chaired by Mike Curtis-Rouse, Head of In-Orbit Servicing and Manufacturing at the Catapult, and he is joined by Richard Osborne, Chief Technology Officer at AstroAgency, Dr Leon Alkalai, Chief Executive Officer at Mandala Space Ventures, and Dr Martina Meisnar, Materials And Processes Engineer at ESA.

The IOSM Conference will be back in 2025 so keep your eyes peeled for more information over the coming months.

Satellite Applications Catapult: Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Facebook, Website
AstroAgency: Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Facebook, Website
ESA: Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Facebook, Website
Mandala Space Ventures: Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Website

Produced by Story Ninety-Four in Oxford.