Innovate for Impact

Ep #143 - Lots of people are talking about innovation, but not many are doing it. Here's why

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Episode notes

In this episode, Tracey Newman and Dan Bentley discuss the common challenges organisations face in trying to innovate, such as lack of resources, risk aversion, and difficulty measuring impact. Dan and Tracey share a "secret" that successful leaders use to create innovative and impactful organisations - focusing on building a collaborative, innovative culture rather than just individual projects.

Here is a taste of what Tracey and Dan cover in the conversation:

  • Why innovation is elusive for many organisations, despite its importance
  • Leaders face challenges such as overload, lack of resources, and pressure for short-term outcomes
  • Common challenges to innovation include lack of training, risk aversion, and difficulty measuring impact
  • To create innovative and impactful organisations, leaders should:
    • Enable information flow and provide resources to empower employees to innovate
    • Focus on creating a collaborative and innovative culture, rather than just individual projects
    • Establish a big goal or reason for the organisation to innovate
    • Provide creative leadership, client-centred collaboration, and empower people to innovate

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