Innovate for Impact

Ep #137 - Kylie Wallace: How Seedling Giving acts like the matchmaker for charities

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Episode notes

In this episode, Tracey Newman and Dan Bentley speak with Kylie Wallace, CEO and Chief Gardener of Seedling Giving about her social enterprise which aims to simplify and improve the charity donation experience for donors and non-profits by vetting charities and matching donors with high-impact giving opportunities. Kylie discusses how her experiences in the nonprofit sector led her to create Seedling Giving to address issues with the charity donation process.

Here is a taste of what Tracey and Dan cover in the conversation:

  • Kylie shares insights on revolutionising the giving experience.
  • How Kylie and the team created Seedling Giving.
  • Charity donations and a new platform to simplify giving, focused on the customer experience.
  • Charity matching service, helping generous Australians give to high-performing charities.

Links from the episode: