Inside The Trades presented by Foundryy

SUMMER ENCORE: Kevin Dobson Built a High School Just For Construction Trades

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Episode notes

This episode ran originally on March 22, 2023:

In this week's episode we talk with the Kevin Dobson, the Executive Director and Founder of Capital College and Career Academy. CCCA is a brand new charter school, based in Sacramento, with a focus exclusively on the construction trades.

Borne out of frustration, over the lack of opportunities and preparedness for real life in this Title 1 neighborhood, Kevin and a core team of industry partners devised CCCA to help build pathways for kids to escape of poverty and develop the hard and soft skills to succeed in life.

Learn how he devised the idea for CCCA, created the strategic partnerships that helped navigate political waters and fund it.   We hope you can take away a few ideas to implement in your own communities and if you like what you hear, please follow the show and share it with a friend!

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