Inspired Budget Podcast

#174: Is the TikTok Underconsumption Trend Actually Just Normal Spending?

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Episode notes

In this episode, I’m diving into the TikTok trend of underconsumption and sharing my thoughts on why it’s actually just normal spending. We’ve been so influenced by social media to keep buying and upgrading that sticking to what we already have seems like a radical idea. 

Let’s talk about what underconsumption really is, why it’s trending, and how it can change the way you think about money.

What you'll learn:

  • What underconsumption is and why it’s gaining popularity.
  • How social media pressures us to overspend and why that’s not sustainable.
  • The financial benefits of being more intentional with your spending.
  • How to balance spending on what you need and what brings you joy.

This episode is perfect for anyone who’s feeling overwhelmed by the constant pressure to buy more and wants to be more mindful with their money.

Links Mentioned: Budget My Paycheck Spreadsheet

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