Is English hard? No! - 英文难不难

EP6. Rethink Chinese English (澳洲人能听懂我的“中式英语”吗?) - EP6. 澳洲人能听懂我的“中式英语”吗?

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Episode notes

Mandarin speakers should feel proud of our Chinese English instead of being embarrassed. In this episode, we talk to a linguistic expert about how we can use our unique blend of Chinese and English, called Chinglish or Chinese English, to make learning English more enjoyable. - 普通话使用者应该为我们的中式英语感到自豪,而不是感到尴尬。在这一集中,我们与语言专家讨论了如何利用我们独特的中英混合语言,即中式英语或中式英语,使学习英语更加愉快。