It's Not Rocket Science! Five Questions Over Coffee

Five Questions Over Coffee with Lubna Samara (ep. 108)

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Who is Lubna?

Lubna Samara is a seasoned healer and leadership coach who specializes in well-being coaching for people in the workplace. With a focus on supporting individuals at all levels of the organization, she helps senior leaders and lower-ranking employees navigate the challenges they face. She understands the toll that burnout and feelings of being marginalized can take on individuals in the professional world, and is dedicated to providing the support and guidance needed to thrive in the workplace. Through her work, Lubna seeks to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.

Key Takeaways

00:00 Healing, coaching, and support for workplace struggles.

06:10 Book focuses on holistic healing and psychology.

07:44 Unlocking superconscious mind for personal and workplace success.

12:32 Focus on the positive, nature heals tech burnout.

14:26 Book integrates psychology, coaching, meditation, and energy.

18:35 Thank you, check out newsletter and subscribe.

Valuable Free Resource or Action

Download a workbook from with a copy of Lubna’s book “Beyond Potential”


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Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)


healing, well-being, leadership, coaching, burnout, confidence, imposter syndrome, procrastination, work environment, imposter syndrome, meditation, energy healing, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, resilience, empathy, personal development, business, book Beyond Potential, values, purpose, intuition, energy fields, body-mind-spirit, team building, stress management, leadership coaching, energy exercises, empowerment, mindfulness exercises


Lubna Samara, Stuart Webb

Stuart Webb [00:00:22]:

Hi, and welcome back to It's Not Rocket Science five questions over coffee. I actually don't have a coffee in front of me right at the moment. This is a fruit tea, because I've had quite a lot of coffee already today, and therefore, I'm trying to reduce the amount of caffeine in my system. But I'm delighted to be joined by, Lubna Samara. Lubna is a an award winning leadership and well-being coach. She works with healing and she's a best selling author of a book called Beyond Potential. I'm sure we're gonna get into that in just a moment which is a number 1 in 7 categories, including business. So we're gonna talk a little bit how this applies to business.

Stuart Webb [00:01:05]:

So welcome to It's Not Rocket Science five Questions Over Coffee, Lubna.

Lubna Samara [00:01:10]:

Hello, Stuart. Hi. Good to be here.

Stuart Webb [00:01:12]:

Thank you. So so, Lubna, who who is who is it you're trying to help, particularly in in the work you do? And and I know it's not just about healing, but it's about leadership as well.

Lubna Samara [00:01:24]:

Yes. It is. I am a long standing healer, but I also do leadership coaching and well-being coaching. So I I specifically work for with people at work. And, my work basically, I try and help out anybody in the workplace who needs help, you know, whether you're senior leadership or whether you're kind of lower down the ranks and, you're really struggling. And a lot of people struggle with so many different, issues at work. Burnout tends to be a little bit higher up, you know, with with leadership because they tend to be just so overworked and professional and and perfectionist often Stuart, that kind of five, that character five. But a lot of people feel overlooked in the workplace And 1 of the very common things that we don't often hear about is somebody thinking their boss doesn't like them and they end up feeling marginalized at work because people know what's going on.

Lubna Samara [00:02:23]:

And when they turn to their colleagues, their colleagues kind of back off. They don't really want to get involved because that might put them in a bad place with their boss. So that is a very common problem, and, strangely enough, it actually works the other way. You know, leaders can be as phased by somebody in their team not being very nice to them as the other way around. And this, you know, these are problems that can be very easily worked with. Then you've got people who have lack of confidence. And without that lack without confidence, often people are scared to speak up. They won't put themselves up for projects.

Lubna Samara [00:03:01]:

They won't put their hands up. They won't put their input in. And they may have really valuable input, but they don't feel comfortable opening up and sharing because maybe they're scared of ridicule or for whatever reason. So these are, and of course the usual suspects like imposter syndrome is really a big 1 as well, especially with people who are working in a corporate environment and they may not have formal education. These people can have amazing personal resources and knowledge base and skill sets, but they kind of think that over people or their colleagues will not accept them or to the same level. And, they often suffer, you know, sometimes people can suffer from that, and and of course, you know, procrastination, all the usual things that people really suffer with in the workplace, I've dealt with, you know, that's

Stuart Webb [00:03:58]:

And what do you find people that you are dealing with have have tried in the past, Lubna, to sort of overcome these issues before before they sort of seek help from somebody like yourself?

Lubna Samara [00:04:07]:

Five mean, the reason why I was smiling is because just, a couple of my clients were very senior. And, 1 of the symptoms of burnout actually that, again, is very little spoken about, is anger management. Now this is 1 of the less appealing manifestations of stress. And, like, these guys have kind of smashed laptops down in meetings, coffee pots, and, and they end up getting blacklisted across the board, right, because of that kind of behavior. And typically, they come to me saying, you know, don't talk to me about my mother. And obviously, obviously, they've been sent to therapy before. You know? So III don't start off with that. We start with the behavioral aspects.

Lubna Samara [00:05:00]:

And as soon as they feel more in control, they kind of start thinking, well, I I need to look deeper. And then we do go back into that. So that is, 1 aspect, say, of burnout that can really that is more unusual. That is more unusual. But typically most people have tried working on themselves, they've tried personal development, they've tried, they're actually curious. A lot of people already have analyzed and worked out the whole situation and that's 1 of the problems in fact, Because jumping to conclusions can create even more problems and can keep you stuck in a loop.

Stuart Webb [00:05:45]:

That's amazing. We're gonna get to your to your book and I guess, I'll I'll I'll I'll put a a scroll up now about, your book which is which is Beyond Potential. Stuart to me a little bit about, thank you.

Lubna Samara [00:06:00]:

Talk to

Stuart Webb [00:06:01]:

me a little bit about about Beyond Potential and and and the sort of advice that you five, in the book.

Lubna Samara [00:06:10]:

The book deals with all these issues basically. And, more than that though, I mean, apart from it's the way we're working. I, again, as a healer, I'm very keen on raising awareness and so that people can become independent and catch their problems themselves, So we work holistically, body, heart, mind and spirit, and Webb work literally section by section. So in chapter 2, we're really looking at the more physiological kind of problems like triggering and anxiety triggering and jumping to conclusions. It's our expectations. I mean, these are all psychology theories that are very well established that show us how these can get us into into trouble and how to fix them. The the workarounds generally can be quite easy to manage. So the book tells you how to do that.

Lubna Samara [00:07:05]:

In chapter 3, we look at emotional intelligence and how to raise that. We look at emotional sovereignty and how to bring your awareness back and calm your heart down. It's when our hearts get engaged, our our we lose clarity. When we lose clarity, we we end up stuck. You know, this is really I'm very, very big on clarity and gaining clarity. Through calming the heart and the mind, we start gaining clarity. And, in chapter 3, we look at resilience and empathy. And then we move into chapter 4, which is more about the mind and how to get the mind to to get rid of all the fog in the mind.

Lubna Samara [00:07:44]:

But also as a healer, I work a lot with the superconscious mind, the higher mind, and coaches these days call this your genius. And accessing that part of our minds and each 1 of us has it, you know, you're born it's a facility you're born with. It's not a question of, you know, you've already got it and chances are almost everybody would have used it, would be using it at some level without really being aware of it. So bringing more awareness to that, developing that brings very tangible benefits to the workplace, five better communications, better focus and concentration, and and inspiring creativity. So and then in chapter 5 Webb then look for me what is the heart of the book is really the spirit aspect Webb we're going deeper into the self, we're looking at values, we're looking at purpose, we're looking at a deeper alignment, we're looking at connecting better to our work environment, to our family, to our community, and to be more authentic, and how to do all of that. So that's the book kind of takes you through all of these chapter by chapter pretty much and in the final chapter, in the beginning of the book, we start by looking at what your dreams were, what did you want to do when you were a child and how has Stuart, what aspects have you taken through into adulthood? And in the final chapter, we end up doing your journey of transformation. So we look at where you are today, what are the challenges that have held you back and taking you to the dreams that you've and your ambitions to and charting that path clearly. So that's basically the book.

Stuart Webb [00:09:25]:

Brilliant. Brilliant. You have a you have AAA Webb as well, Are there are there any, pieces of advice, workbooks, and things like that on the on the website which can help people to understand better themselves what they're trying to do?

Lubna Samara [00:09:45]:

There are a lot of blogs actually on the website. So for instance, there is, 1 blog, to do with values and and and that gives, I give an exercise on team building in that. But the work there is a workbook that comes with the book Beyond Potential, which I've kept at a low price. I mean, it's 2 past 40 for the Kindle version. And, with that, at the end of chapter 1, you can download the workbook for free, which is a substantial document in its own right. It's it's a it's a 50 page document. At the moment, it's free with the book, and, that takes you chapter by chapter through all the exercises. Actually, I was talking to somebody a few days ago, and, he was telling me how he loved 1 of the meditations.

Lubna Samara [00:10:31]:

And actually it's an energy exercise, a very simple I give you very simple energy exercises in the book, in the workbook, because developing that is a really important aspect, but we'll come to that in a minute I think. But it's, yeah, so he was telling me how much he loved it and how it actually healed his neck, which he was struggling with for some days. And, yeah. So it's and and there are also meditations.

Stuart Webb [00:11:00]:

There there

Lubna Samara [00:11:01]:

are a lot of exercises, so that is free with the workbook. I'm sorry. That is free with the book. The workbook is free with the book. And, and also there are a lot of diagrams in the book. And, you also get with the book AAA PDF of all the diagrams in color because they make a lot more sense in color.

Stuart Webb [00:11:22]:

Tell me, you you you were you're sort of talking that a little bit about, about, these meditations. I mean, how did you how did you discover this? How did you get into it? What was the what was the the the the source of this, for you and and how is how is this helped the leaders that you that you're working with now?

Lubna Samara [00:11:41]:

Well, that's a good question. I got into it it's a long it's a long story. I was actually, a mathematician who worked in the petroleum industry, then I moved into banking, I did an MBA in finance, and I started seeing energy fields. And, I never really expected to be a healer. I I Webb along, and the first course I went to was in January 93. So it's a long time. And I really just did it to get an experience of what it was about. You know, I was doing a lot of Tai Chi and a lot of meditation which I developed myself and I went to a lot of classes and I kind of put together what I liked, which was about feeling the love cause I see it all around us and focusing on that.

Lubna Samara [00:12:32]:

It's really, you know, you can focus on all the negativity, which is gonna keep your thoughts over, you know. But if you focus on all the five, you can rise above pretty much anything. And it really is about, you know, the old Oscar Wilde adage, you know, we're all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the Stuart, right? So it's about that. And the meditations really developed out of that. And the guided meditations are part meditations and part energy work. So we start with grounding and grounding and connecting to earth is extremely important and that helps anybody. I mean, people with tech burnout five, in Japan, they send them, they they use forest bathing to to heal people with tech burnout because nature is such an important part and harmonizing our energy fields with nature is extremely important. We can do it through energy healing but you can do it just by going out for long walks in nature.

Lubna Samara [00:13:31]:

Your energy fields will harmonize and and and nature is a massive healer for us, you know, so everybody benefits from that. You know, this is 1 of the reasons why people go in teams to to to go hiking together and to it resets It sets us all on the same level. We're all equal where nature is concerned and it builds connectedness and it's over healing thing to do.

Stuart Webb [00:14:02]:

Lubna, we've been talking for a while now and and you've answered some questions very fully. There must be 1 that you're currently thinking. I I do wish you'd ask me about this because that's the real critical question. So tell me what's that question that you really want me to ask and obviously, as you've asked, you will have asked a brilliant questions. You better give us an answer to it. So what's that question you really do think I should have asked you?

Lubna Samara [00:14:26]:

I'm not sure it's a critical question, but it's a question I've been asked quite a lot since actually I gave the book to my beta readers from the beginning. In the book Webb work with 4 modalities: we work with psychology and coaching as 1 pillar. We work with meditation as a second pillar. Webb work with energy works, energy, the principles of energy healing, and we work with the quest, your questions in what it is in life. Right? Now I've been asked from the beginning, do you need to put the energy works in? What does it contribute? Because it's a bit weird and it might put people off who are who don't believe in it. And I would just say, first of all, there is a lot of research to show that energy healing does work. I mean, clinically, 1 of the largest, I'm with an organization called The Healing Trust and 1 of the largest clinical trials was actually done by 1 of the fellows of the Healing Trusts, Sandy Edwards with Birmingham City University. And the results of that trial were so, Webb so strong that the, doctor Michael Dixon, who's head of the Royal Medical Household and past head of the past chair of the NHS Alliance wrote a forward for the book recommending and I think, I hope I'm getting this right, but I think he recommends that the NHS should take it very seriously and start looking at bringing in healers into the NHS to cut costs.

Lubna Samara [00:16:01]:

So there's a lot of research, a lot of it is in the book, throughout the book is kind of peppered in. But for me, I really wanted to put it in because as somebody who myself was skeptical about it and I was kind of, when I was still working in banking and I started seeing energy fields and I started doing a lot of Tai Chi and meditation, somebody stopped me and said, you know, you've got very strong energy, you should do energy healing. And I was like, I don't do that. I'm a mathematician. And then I caught myself and I thought, oh God, I hate that kind of thinking, I'm gonna go. And so I did really, I went really as to find out a little bit more about it and how it works. And by the 3rd session I came out, you know, I was like, wow. You know, I was really I felt struck and I was thinking Webb use 5 to 7% of our cognitive processes.

Lubna Samara [00:16:58]:

This is some of the rest. And I realized I'm not using my usual kind of mind. So in a nutshell, energy healing, just developing the faculty. I don't teach in the book how to heal other people, but just to develop the faculty and to understand the basics, give you very basic exercises to heal yourself, but it you can't heal without empathy. Okay? It's really it's it's it's it so it really develops your empathy. It really develops your intuition because you're using your intuitive faculties. And I teach you how to do that in the book in order to connect more fully to your over senses. And you see people from Oprah Winfrey Stuart to to Jeff, gosh I've forgotten his name, the guy who started Amazon.

Stuart Webb [00:17:50]:


Lubna Samara [00:17:51]:

Thank you. All of them attribute their success to their intuition. And research even shows that of leaders over successful, very successful people over a 10 year period, all of them, most of them attribute their success to their intuition. So this is extremely important, faculty. And healing helps you to develop that awareness, but also it helps you to connect your higher mind. So we heal with that and, the practice of it, the discipline of it. If I had my way, I would get children to do that at school and get them to develop it very early on because the benefits are so powerful. And so that's really the 1 question that I would have asked you.

Stuart Webb [00:18:35]:

Lopne, thank you very much for for spending a few minutes with us and and talking about that. I'm I know you're a a busy person and so I'm gonna I'm gonna leave you to get on and and help others. I'm just gonna just gonna point out, as we come to the end, if you would like to, get on to the newsletter and find out when people like over, I'm a great guest. Coming on to this podcast to talk so that you can engage ask questions get on to the to the to this link, which is HTTPS colon forward slash forward slash That's link dot the complete forward slash newsletter and obviously like and subscribe to this podcast as well and tell all your friends about it because that way we get more people knowing about the great work that people like over are doing at the moment to help us all so love with all of that, said. Thank you so much for coming in and spending a few minutes with us really appreciate the time that you've spent and well get out there and help a few more people to overcome some of those stresses and, burnout that I know it is a major problem in businesses today.

Lubna Samara [00:19:50]:

And, Stuart, thank you very much for having this platform and hosting people like me and, I look forward to seeing more of your podcasts.

Stuart Webb [00:19:58]:

Thank you, Lorna.

Lubna Samara [00:20:00]:

Thank you.

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