It's Not Rocket Science! Five Questions Over Coffee

Five Questions Over Coffee with Sneha Mandala (ep. 100)

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Episode notes

Who is Sneha?

Sneha Mandala started her career with high hopes and determination to succeed. She joined her first job with a mindset to give her all and perform at her best, aiming to see where it would take her in her career. However, as time passed, her enthusiasm and engagement dwindled, reflecting a common struggle many employees face. Sneha's story serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining passion and drive in the workplace to avoid the negative impact on businesses.

Key Takeaways

00:00 Businesses struggle with workforce productivity and engagement.

06:19 Seek joy and flow at work, succeed.

10:28 We spend 100000 hours at work lifetime.

11:44 Praise for Sneha and invitation to join mailing list.

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Sneha Mandala, TEDx keynote speaker, coach, adviser, employee engagement, work culture, flow state, suboptimally, CEOs, workforce productivity, engagement levels, HR department, Band Aid fixes, happiness, satisfaction, engagement surveys, flow state, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Steven Kotler, peak performance, corporate setting, 5th question, work culture, work enjoyment, effortless work, mailing list, podcast, work culture transformation.


Sneha Mandala, Stuart Webb

Stuart Webb [00:00:22]:

Hi, and welcome back to It's Not Rocket Science five questions over coffee. I haven't actually got in front of me. This is a lemon tea. Sneha, I believe you've got something in front of you at the moment. So, Sneha, welcome to It's Not Rocket Science. Five questions over coffee.

Sneha Mandala [00:00:38]:

Thank you so much for the opportunity.

Stuart Webb [00:00:40]:

Sneha is a TEDx keynote speaker. She is A, coach and adviser on, employee engagement, work culture, and she, works with people to get them into a great flow state as part of their work. So, Sneha, welcome to the podcast. We're looking forward to hearing what you've got to say.

Sneha Mandala [00:01:01]:

Thank you so much, Stuart. I'm sure this is gonna be a fun conversation.

Stuart Webb [00:01:06]:

So so I I mentioned then the sort of The the sort of problems that people have getting into a sort of their state at work. What are the issues that you see with people when they are working, Suboptimally, and CEOs find that they don't have, optimal engagement from their from their people.

Sneha Mandala [00:01:25]:

Thank you. So think about this particular employee. Okay? Imagine an employee who who has just gotten started in their career. Now they're not signing up for that 1st job of the career thinking that they are doomed to fail. Right? They are thinking, I would love to give it my everything. I would like to give it my best. I would like to perform at my We can see where this is going to take me in my career. But, flash forward to a year or 2 in, You don't see the same amount of enthusiasm and engagement in that employee, and this is where businesses suffer.

Sneha Mandala [00:02:01]:

They think they're hiring great people for these jobs, and then a few months in or a year in, they see the productivity lacking. They see engagement levels dropping, and that's what a lot of business owners and CEOs are worried about. We thought we are we were hiring all stars, And now they are on the verge of leaving. And worse, if they're not leaving, they're just coasting here at work. Studies show that, The American workforce on average spends less than 4 hours productive being productive, during a workday, which is just astonishing. Yes. So those are the challenges that businesses are currently facing. You have on one side a leader that wants extraordinary results but is not getting them through the workforce.

Sneha Mandala [00:02:54]:

On the other hand, you have an employee who is feeling dull, exhausted, not very engaged at work. And everything I talk about is how do we make sure that these 2 things are occurring harmoniously at at work. Mhmm.

Stuart Webb [00:03:11]:

So so what are the things that CEOs are trying to do to get that back which are which are not working?

Sneha Mandala [00:03:19]:

Yes. So one of the things that CEOs typically tend to do is they go to their HR department and they say, hey. We would like to increase our engagement levels. We wanna keep our Employees happier, and more satisfied. And what the HR department, comes up with is, sure. Let's Have over Tuesdays and free pizza Fridays or five, ping pong tables in in, lunchrooms. And somehow they would think that, the dissatisfied and disengaged employees would magically become a 100% engaged at work. And the problem is They don't.

Sneha Mandala [00:03:54]:

These are simply Band Aid fixes that help in the short term, but not in the long term. So if I'm an employee and I'm dissatisfied, I see, you know, free pizza Friday, and that's gonna momentarily make me feel, oh, Okay. This place has its own perks, but the moment, a shiny new object passes by so in a another words, A recruiter with a better package, tries to post them, they are ready to jump ship like that. So I like to compare this, with relationships. So trying to keep your employees happy and satisfied using these Band Aid fixes is like dating. But what we are really looking for is not dating. We're looking to put a ring on the finger. We're looking to get them feel committed and engaged to the larger organizational No goals here.

Sneha Mandala [00:04:46]:

So when I work with CEOs, I clearly distinguish that, hey. We're not looking to make them happy and satisfied Because that's not going to, contribute to productivity. That's not going to contribute to create them being creative and innovative and, More, raising the bar at work. We are looking to get them feel more engaged and committed to, to understand what their personal goals are and how they connect to the larger organization picture. And that's when leaders are just five they stop Dead in their tracks, and they're like, what? Were we thinking about the wrong thing all this while? Were we measuring the wrong things all this time. So, for example, when they implement engagement surveys, they're really measuring happiness and satisfaction and not really engagement. So, that self awareness, I feel, is the 1st step to going down in the right direction towards building that higher performance and engagement and employees, And that's the moment for leaders.

Stuart Webb [00:05:48]:

And is there a one piece of advice or valuable offer you can give people to really sort of help them get message?

Sneha Mandala [00:05:56]:

Absolutely. And I have this message both for employees as well as leaders. So Think about this. If you are spending all of these hours, we spend more time at work than we spend with ourselves or with our loved ones. And those are all the hours that you could be smiling. You could be engaged. You could be passionate. You could be committed at work.

Sneha Mandala [00:06:19]:

And, Unfortunately, that's not the case for many employees and in many businesses. So the one piece of advice that I would love to give to leaders as well as employees is that, when you can feel alive at work, why not chase that feeling? When you can make your work Feel not like work. Make your work feel more effortless. Why not chase that? And that is where the whole concept of flow state comes into picture. A flow Stuart, as described by a positive psychologist, is A point in time where you are your mind and your body are performing at their optimal levels because you're so engrossed In what you're doing, your attention as it's is at its peak. Your performance and your creativity levels are at their peak. So this Stuart is the only time when an individual can perform in the highest possible manner While their stress levels are the lowest, isn't that what we all want, that work to be producing amazing results while not burning out. That's what employees want.

Sneha Mandala [00:07:31]:

That's what leaders want. So how do you create the conditions of flow at work? Work. Employees do things. Look for things that you five to do at work And try as much as possible, try to do them in the way you love to do them. Add more drive to your work. Do more of the things that you love to do and add more authenticity at work. Try to do them as much as you can in the way you love to do it in your most natural state. And that is the exact same advice that I would love to give leaders too.

Sneha Mandala [00:08:11]:

How well do you know your employees? How driven do they currently feel at work? How comfortable are they feeling in order to bring their whole selves, their authentic selves at work. And I'm not asking you to change jobs overnight. That's not what I'm asking you to do. But adding a little bit more and, more drive and authenticity to what people are already doing, that's gonna make a ton of difference. That's gonna help them get into that flow state more often, spend more time in it, and, hence, you get extraordinary business results and happy engaged employees.

Stuart Webb [00:08:46]:

Good advice. Is there a a book or a course that really sort of led you to understand, particularly, the this flow state that you're talking about?

Sneha Mandala [00:08:55]:

Absolutely. My, there are 2 gurus really that I follow in this space, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, who's considered the grandfather of flow. So he has a book called Flow. Definitely, it has all the foundations and the, neuroscience behind the flow state. I would Love to recommend this to your audience. And Mhmm. The other prominent figure in this field that I highly follow the work of is Steven Kotler. He has done amazing research and really addresses individuals who want to peak their performance while decreasing that those stress and burnout levels.

Sneha Mandala [00:09:33]:

All that I'm doing is taking, all of their research and their work and bringing it into a more corporate setting to help leaders and employees' experiences in everyday, work, really.

Stuart Webb [00:09:47]:

Brilliant. Stuart, that Webb we're we're coming towards the end of my, my 5 questions to you. And and the 5th question is the one that I often use to sort of, as as I say, Get out of jail five, and it's my opportunity to say there must be a question that you wish I had asked you by now already, and I haven't asked it. So I'm gonna ask you, What is the question that I should five asked? And then, obviously, you have to answer it because you're the only one here who can answer that question.

Sneha Mandala [00:10:12]:

Absolutely. The question I would love to be asked any day in any conversation is, what do People care about at work.

Stuart Webb [00:10:24]:

And what do people care about at work?

Sneha Mandala [00:10:28]:

You might think maybe it's their paycheck. Maybe it's connection, community. There's all sorts of different answers that, you know, you could get from different guests on your podcast for this question, but I would argue that in the basic terms, we spend Close to a 100000 hours at work in our lifetime. If you do the math of 40 hours per week on average, Close to a 100000 hours at work in a lifetime. That's equivalent to 11 years of your five. And no person It's thinking that, oh, I wish I spent these 11 years making as much money as possible or have as many connections as possible. No. What they're looking for is, I would love to enjoy and have fun In these 11 years of my life, that's what it really comes down to.

Sneha Mandala [00:11:29]:

What they really care about at their core level is For work to not feel like work, to work to be feeling like play, to work to feel like effortless.

Stuart Webb [00:11:40]:

Yeah. Yeah.

Sneha Mandala [00:11:42]:

That's what people care about.

Stuart Webb [00:11:44]:

That's brilliant, and I love the way that you put it. That's brilliant. Sneha, thank you so much spending a few minutes with us and for talking us through this stuff. I love what you're saying. Listen, everyone, if you would like to get on to the mailing list And hear about the upcoming talks that we've got with people such as Neha, please go to this link. That's h t p https colonforward/forward/ That's just a simple form. You just put this email address in.

Stuart Webb [00:12:17]:

You'll get onto the newsletter list, subscribe you to the podcast. You will get to see brilliant talks like this coming up. And if you've liked this, please like and subscribe and recommend it to Your friends and family. Sneha, thank you so much for spending a few minutes with us. Really appreciated the insights that you brought about how to get our work culture to be something more like that flow state that you so, advocate. Thank you so much.

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