It's Not Rocket Science! Five Questions Over Coffee

Five Questions Over Coffee with Billy Schwer (ep. 106)

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Episode notes

Who is Billy?

Billy Schwer is a renowned world champion boxer turned leadership coach. With his expertise in boxing, he helps individuals develop a winning mindset to succeed in their personal and professional lives. Despite facing his own health challenges, Billy remains dedicated to inspiring and motivating others through his speaking engagements and coaching services. His resilience and determination make him a powerful force in the world of leadership development.

Key Takeaways

00:00 World champion boxer teaches leadership through mindset.

05:28 Striving for natural wellness despite discomfort.

08:14 Important lesson: adapt energy and communication style.

11:55 Boxer breaks stereotypes, faces post-retirement challenges.

14:57 Early midlife crisis led to boxing retirement.

19:11 Love yourself, share the available life.

22:08 Focus on the future, let go of the past.

23:38 I want the world to hear about it.

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Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)


world champion boxer, warm up, business leaders, mindset, fear, competition, inspirational, motivational speaker, teamwork, individual, team, potential, self-improvement, frequency of vibration, mindset, brain health, Samaritan, mental boxing, mental health, future, identity crisis, depression, bankruptcy, Landmark Forum, team support, positivity, newsletter, insights, life lessons, business owners


Billy Schwer, Stuart Webb

Stuart Webb [00:00:19]:

Hi, and welcome back to It's Not Rocket Science. Five questions over. I've got a copy. Billy's got one. Billy, this is gonna be a brilliant conversation. I'm really looking forward to this man. Billy Stuart, he is a world champion boxer. As you can tell, he's doing his he's doing his warm up now.

Stuart Webb [00:00:35]:

I'm gonna be

Stuart Webb [00:00:36]:

in trouble. Up. I'm

Stuart Webb [00:00:38]:

ready. I'm gonna be in trouble with this one. Billy, world champion, but he's turned what he knows about boxing into helping you become a better leader because he can help you change your mindset to the mindset he had to have as a world champion boxer. If you can imagine not having the fear of being boxed out of a ring by your business and taking on your competition and taking them on in a way that you will not only believe is possible, but this man can take on the world. Billy, it is my absolute pleasure to have you here on it's not rocket science, 5 questions over coffee. I'm really looking forward to this because you are such an inspirational motivational speaker. Thank you for spending a few minutes with us, and I know we've had to sort of put this one back a bit because you weren't well. So I hope you're feeling really good.

Billy Schwer [00:01:28]:

I'm 10 out of 10 today for you right now. I am a 10 out of 10. And it's it's not rocket science. It is science. The sweet science as Boxed is well known. The noble art and the sweet science. Yes. It is

Stuart Webb [00:01:43]:

Listen. I am gonna have so much I five so much trouble keeping this man inside of this box. Listen, Billy, tell us. What is it? You you know, who is it you're trying to help with this? Because you I mean, you know, you've you've gone from boxing. You you you you know, you're now a really motivational, inspirational speaker. Who is it you're trying to help, or what is it you're trying to teach them?

Billy Schwer [00:02:05]:

Basically, it's business leaders and teams. So what I'm all about, inspiring and empowering leaders, teams, individuals to be able to punch above their weight, win more often, and experience more success in all that they do. So that's the context of what I'm all about. And the work that I do is such that it it allows for something else to show up within them. So we're all individuals, but we're all in a team as well because we all know without teamwork, the dream don't work. But we are an individual, so we that's the I focus on the individual within the team and the team as a whole. If everyone's aligned and everyone's boxing clever, moving towards a desired outcome as a as a unit, results can get caused. And it's starting from here, and it's being fully responsible for that.

Billy Schwer [00:03:04]:

And that's what I do. I get people to really look at themselves, and let's let's have a little look Stuart. I mean, the common question I ask people, where are you on a scale of 0 to 10? The listeners out there, where are you today on a scale of 0 to 10? 0 being bang knocked out on the canvas, 10 feeling like the champion of the world. So you'll you'll have a number. And, Stuart, you'll have a number. Yeah. Webb a number. So what my intention is is to really elevate whatever that number is.

Billy Schwer [00:03:37]:

Because a lot of people that I work with, there may be a 4, 5, 6. So if you're walking around operating at 50, 60% of your potential, that's what I like to do. I like to unravel what's in the way such that people can have this energy, this frequency of vibration, and operate in all areas of their life from a different frequency because things are gonna occur different if you got your if you raise your game. So my it's looking at what's in the way of people experiencing a 10 out of 10, an 8, a 9, a 10 out of 10. And that's the kind of work that I do as an individual, but as teams as well.

Stuart Webb [00:04:18]:

So, Billy, let's just, let me just just just ask. And and it sort of combined with my second question, which is sort of what people done before to try and get them out of this tent. We all know that some days you feel like a 10. Some days you feel like a 0. So how do you get up every single day and make yourself 10 out of 10? Because you can't get into a boxing ring and feel like you're a 0 because you will immediately get knocked out, won't you?

Billy Schwer [00:04:42]:

So what so I had a 138 fights in total as an amateur and a professional. So I had 45 professional fights. Winning the British, the Commonwealth, and eventually the world championships are my 4th attempt. So there were occasions where I stepped up into the ring, and I wasn't a 10 out of 10. So I've got a knack. I've trained myself Webb required to be able to generate the energy to go and do what I need to do. So I've that I'm conditioned to do that, but sometimes I don't always feel that way. So sometimes in life, we have to kinda step up and raise up and kind of generate ourselves to go and do the task ahead of us.

Billy Schwer [00:05:28]:

But what we want to try and do is to feel naturally more near a 10 out and just more naturally. And I don't wake up every day at 10 out of 10. Webb, I can generate a so I so my day to day, I've I've I've I've meditated, I've hydrated, I've been for a run, I've done some work. That's before Five I'm engaged in my conversation with you. So I've I know I didn't really wanna go for a run this morning because it hurts. It's hard. What makes you feel me? And I'm running and I'm thinking, Webb, I really wanna be out here running. And it's five, sometimes Webb just gotta we gotta wake up to the fact Webb gotta do things we don't always wanna do.

Billy Schwer [00:06:12]:

And that's the being responsible. As a fighter, stepping up into the ring, without teamwork the dream don't work. Without the without the team behind me, there was no way I could go and get into the ring. But when the bell goes, the team, they all step backwards out of the out of the ring, and we step forward. So there is no place to hide. You can run, but you can't hide. So we have to wake up to the fact of this is my life. This is it.

Billy Schwer [00:06:39]:

This is my challenge. This is my battle, and I can't I five to be fully responsible for it. I can't I'm not a victim. Don't be a victim. You gotta wake up to the fact of you are it. You are the one that you've been waiting for. The cavalry is not coming to save you. So then it's five, we have to surround ourselves with a supportive network of teams, and we have to look at ourselves, our mindset, lots of people neglect.

Billy Schwer [00:07:10]:

And it's the taking care of the mindset, our own brain health, what we feed ourselves, who we talk to, what we read, what we listen to, who are we, what we what we doing, what we up to. And that's kind of what I have to connect with. Yeah. Now I volunteer Yeah. I volunteer as a Samaritan. I know you know the Samaritan, Stuart.

Stuart Webb [00:07:31]:

Yeah. Yeah.

Billy Schwer [00:07:32]:

So Billy the boxer I have to leave Billy the boxer at the door. When I go and do a shift for the Samaritans, I have to tune in to a different Billy because Billy the boxer is is of no use to the callers. So it's being able to adapt and be aware of different parts of ourselves to tap into when required. And a lot of the time, I do rest. I recuperate. I'll go and have a lie down. I so, so important. Nourishment, food is so important for us to then be able to turn on when required because we can't be on all the time because that's stressful.

Stuart Webb [00:08:14]:

Billy, these are really important lessons because what you're talking about is how you bring that sort of energy, that sort of natural way of thinking to different situations in business. And and and business leaders are very poor at doing that, listening, if you like, to the environment, you know, like you were talking about the I mean, the Samaritan situation and I'm in the sales situation. They bring the same person. And what you've just really highlighted is important to bringing different bits of your energy, different bits of your personality, and making it adapt. I mean and I often say that the problem that we have is that we believe communication is about what we do, but it's not. Communication is what what the listener does, about what the person receiving the communication does. And if we end up speaking to them in the wrong tone, we end up speaking to them in the wrong way, it's a bit like one of your punches. One of your punches had to land in the right way, didn't it, in order to have any effect.

Stuart Webb [00:09:13]:

Pointless punching somebody in the wrong way because it doesn't actually do what it needs to do. It's just a waste of your energy. You five to tune it to exactly what you needed to do at the time. And you're right. Sorry to bring the boxing back in, but I thought it was important.

Billy Schwer [00:09:28]:

Stuart, you're so right. And it's the communication because we're we're communicating all the five, and it's not necessary language. It's body language. It's tone. It's how we're how we're presenting ourselves and how we're feeling. So the feeling from within so if your frequency is raised, you're gonna be just different. So if you're walking into sales environments, business meetings, an 8, 9, elevate itself, it's gonna be different. The communications, you're gonna be in tune.

Billy Schwer [00:09:59]:

And I meditate because what that allows to be it's like I have a heightened state. When I meditate and I do breath work, I energize my brain. And, honestly, it's like an intellectual upgrade that I have. I could experience it. My language is different. My articulation is different. It just raises myself up, and that's available for us all. If and I've been I've been playing about all of this stuff for over 20 years now, tweaking it, looking at it, what works, what doesn't work, wherever I come from.

Billy Schwer [00:10:34]:

And, obviously, I've got all that boxing experience, but there's all the life outside of boxing experience that I tap into as well. And it's relatable. Boxing's a great metaphor for business. It's not rocket science, but it's some kind of science, and it's it all kinda works, and it all kinda blends together, and it's all relatable.

Stuart Webb [00:10:54]:

Billy, this is just brilliant stuff. So I'm gonna move us on to threat question 3. Now I know that you've got a book, I can see it over there behind your shoulder. I know you give that book away free. Yeah. So tell me, how can somebody get hold of that book to understand what they're talk what

Billy Schwer [00:11:13]:

you're talking about now and start to apply it to their life? Yeah. So we're gonna have a link so you guys can go and you can have the book. You can download the book, or you can download the audio of the book if you prefer listening. I I listen to lots of book. So I'm in the process of writing another book because Man Up Man Up was created from my own experience of being a man down. So I don't wanna offend anyone with the name because Man Up can be misconstrued. It's words on a on a page which can trigger people. So I don't wanna offend anyone with man up because it's not what you think it is.

Billy Schwer [00:11:55]:

And I may be not who you think I am. So being a boxer, you may have a preconceived opinion of me, bashing people up, having all those fights, broken noses, and having that the ability to go into the ring prepared to die, kill or be killed. Now that would kind of paint a kind of a picture, but I'm hoping that just by listening to this conversation that you get to sell maybe there's there's more to a boxer. There's more to Billy than kind of meets the eye of what a professional boxer is. And so man, I because on my retirement from the professional boxing ring, I found that transition, Stuart, to be very difficult. I went through depression. I went through an identity crisis. I went had a mental breakdown.

Billy Schwer [00:12:43]:

I wrecked my marriage. I went through a divorce. I had my home repossessed. I went bankrupt. I lost everything. I crashed and burned. I I was suicidal. Hence, why I volunteer for the Samaritans because I know what it feels like to be in a crisis because I was there not so long ago.

Billy Schwer [00:13:05]:

And I've done the work. I've unraveled Billy the Over to be free from all the constraints that life was opposing on me, my self inflicted challenges. And that's when I put those words together, mental boxing because I was mentally having a mental boxing match with myself. And then the world that I've been doing over the last 20 years is all about transforming ourselves such that we can feel different. Because when I was in the depths of despair, I all I kept saying to myself, Stuart, was, I just wanna feel good. I just I just wanna feel good. I wanna feel good because I've I was knocked out. I was a 0 ad.

Stuart Webb [00:13:47]:

Yeah. Yeah. That's that's and and look, and this is this is such an inspirational Stuart, and I've I've got the the the the link on this. And I'm gonna go back to this. This will be in the transcript and the show notes for this. But if you need to get hold of this book, it's Billy Schwarr, that's slash book. Or if you want the audio book, it's the same thing, b I, double l, y s c h w e r dot com /freehyphenaudio. Both of those links will be on the the YouTube, the LinkedIn, and everything else.

Stuart Webb [00:14:25]:

But, Billy, that that's a really it's a really inspirational Stuart. And I think it does demonstrate how your your your thought process produces the results, doesn't it? It is all about how you approach a situation. And and and a lot of business people today, and I I I speak to a lot of business owners who are wanting to sell their business. And it leads them into depression because it's a loss of their identity.

Billy Schwer [00:14:52]:


Stuart Webb [00:14:53]:

And and you went through it. You know how to get through that.

Billy Schwer [00:14:57]:

I I went through a a midlife crisis very early. As those as the guys that you mentioned about, they sell their business and we've become so attached to our past, and then we identify with that. And then once that's gone, as I went through, I'm no longer Billy the over. And it's when I was in the back of the ambulance on the way to hospital for the second five, that was that was when I realized that my life as I know it is over. And that was the moment that I made the toughest decision I've ever made to retire from boxing. Because I was in the back of the ambulance, and I was frightened because boxing professional boxing can be dangerous. I had a friend of mine killed in the ring. I know guys that have been permanently brain damaged.

Billy Schwer [00:15:43]:

And I'm in the back of the ambulance, and I'm uncertain of my future health. So it's that relationship with that part of ourselves and letting go of it I found so difficult. And you hear about that, like, you you you mentioned about business owners selling, exiting their business, and then they go through a similar thing. Lots of athletes, we all go with people at the services. They go through a similar thing, and it's supporting ourselves post whatever of the life that we've chosen. And then the the struggle for me was the reinvention, the recreation of myself. Because who am I? I was Billy the boxer. Now here I am.

Billy Schwer [00:16:24]:

I'm just Billy. Who's Billy? I don't know who Billy is. And that was the wake up. So I had to get conscious. I was unconscious. But then what happened with me was I I become a victim of my situation, of my circumstances, my divorce, my bankruptcy. I become a victim of it, which had me feel depressed, broke me. It broke me because I didn't have a future to live into.

Billy Schwer [00:16:52]:

There was boxing was no longer a future for me, and I didn't know what to do with myself. And that was the challenge. And I pursued lots of different things trying to find my thing and myself, and that was the challenge.

Stuart Webb [00:17:06]:

Billy, I'm really glad you found yourself. And, you know, it there must have been, you know, you've talked a bit about sort of the work you do with Samaritan. There must if was there a particular course or something which actually brought you from Billy the over to the person that we see in front of us today? What was the thing that moved you into that?

Billy Schwer [00:17:24]:

I've done a lot of work over the last 20 years. I've worked with masters in various different fields. And but, originally, what what really started this journey off was I did a program called the Landmark Forum. Now I did the Landmark Forum, I'll never forget it, of August 2003. I'm in a room. There's about a 150 people for 3 days. It was the first time Five experienced this kind of training. Now, you gotta remember, I've been a world champion.

Billy Schwer [00:17:55]:

I've had sports psychology. I've I've done all of that. I'm sitting in a room now, and I'm going through a tough five. And the conversation was over a weekend about what it is to be a human being. It's the ontology, ontological, the study of the art and science of being. So I which and I got to see who I was being in life. And let me tell you, Stuart, it wasn't pretty. Mhmm.

Billy Schwer [00:18:18]:

It wasn't pretty. What the traits that had me become a world champion had me winning the boxing ring. I was aggressive. I was domineering. I was selfish. I was inconsiderate. I was always right. Rah.

Billy Schwer [00:18:30]:

Rah. Those traits work perfectly well in the boxing arena, but it didn't work for me in my life.

Stuart Webb [00:18:38]:

Mhmm. Yeah.

Billy Schwer [00:18:39]:

Ask my ex wife. She'll tell you. It it didn't be anything else. I was that identity. But the Landmark forum, what it allowed for me was it started to just the future I didn't have a future. I started to the future started to occur different, and things started to just change for me. And the way that I was perceiving life and the future shifted and changed, and then things changed. And that's the journey that I've been on for the last over it's over 20 years I've been on that on that journey.

Billy Schwer [00:19:11]:

And what I've got for myself or what I've learned, I want other people to experience what I'm experiencing because it's available for each and every one of us. You don't have to it's it's it's available. If you're willing and you want to wake up and do the work, and it ain't easy because I didn't used to five myself. I'd never used to I didn't like myself because I was that those certain traits that I had, they weren't five, and they Webb they didn't work for me. And it was like so now I can I can honestly say that I love myself? I do love myself, and I love I love the life that I'm creating, the future that I'm living into, and that that's that's that's what I've got. And I've created it, and I am it, and it's available.

Stuart Webb [00:19:57]:

That is that that's so inspiring. And and, you know, I I so hope that that we can get this message to as many people as they possibly can because this is such a brilliant message. And I suppose it leads me to my last questions, and I'm gonna let you get on because you've got a life to lead. You've got other people to influence. And I wanna help you do it, but there must be one question that I haven't asked you that you want me to ask. And and so, therefore, what's that question I should five asked you? And, obviously, you've got to answer it because I don't know the question yet.

Billy Schwer [00:20:30]:

And I think we're kinda touching it, but if I may reiterate because

Stuart Webb [00:20:35]:


Billy Schwer [00:20:36]:

so, so powerful is the question that you wanna ask me that I wish you would five asked me is is, Billy, how do you get to experience life as a tenant then?

Stuart Webb [00:20:46]:

That's a good question.

Billy Schwer [00:20:47]:

Yeah. So then so so that is we kind of touched on it in the last conversation, and it's it's I'm really clear this is so, so powerful. It's about focusing on the future, not the past. Because what I got stuck in was looking into the past. So the future will dictate for you how you feel in the present moment. Now when I retired boxing, the future that I was living into was dark. It was chaotic. It was painful.

Billy Schwer [00:21:18]:

So that kind of future, you can see that that would have an impact on how I feel. It kinda makes sense, doesn't it? To live it if somebody was living into chaotic, dark, painful futures, that's gonna have them feel a certain way. So the way forward is is to focus on the future, but really be responsible for designing, creating, causing, and generating that future. The dreams that we want, the futures that we wanna create, they sometimes feel a long way away, which I know what that's like. It took me 4 attempts to win the world title. Webb when I was getting bashed up in the ring, in the gym, time after time losing, I was trying my hardest, but I I was getting knocked back. And we all experience five. We get knocked back.

Billy Schwer [00:22:08]:

We don't always win, but we wanna win more often. It takes you gotta keep coming back, and it's and it's the focus in on that future, which is so, so powerful because we have to let the past go. Take the questions, learn the lessons, bring them into the future with you, but don't bring that past that you don't like or that you don't like about yourself. Don't bring that into the future because that's what we keep bumping into. We have to draw a line in the sand, create, design the dream future, which sounds a bit woo woo, but we are we are it. And we are the Webb are we are the one that we've been waiting for. So it's surrounding yourself with people who can support that for you. With that teamwork, the dream don't work, and that's so crucial.

Billy Schwer [00:22:59]:

Get the right team around you. And that's what's you experience life in some other way that you've got right now.

Stuart Webb [00:23:07]:

Billy, that is I mean, it's not only a lesson for life. It is a less, I mean, you know, Webb we've talked about how you can help business owners. Getting the team around you that can actually help you is the most crucial thing. You can't do everything on your own. You need the team, but you need to approach it with that positivity that you've just given up. You need to approach it by thinking about the right Billy, the right person to get in there. Billy, I can't I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am for the fact you've spent a few minutes with me. This has been a brilliant conversation.

Stuart Webb [00:23:38]:

I've really enjoyed it, and I just want the whole world to hear about it. So I'm gonna help this get out to the entire world. And listen, if anybody's listening that wants to be able to hear this sort of thing, we do these on a Tuesday. If you know people that wanna wanna hear about this, please get on to my newsletter list so that you can get to hear about brilliant people like Billy who come on and give up their time to talk about this sort of thing. To get onto the news, you go to this, which is link. That's link dot the complete Get onto the newsletter list and and come on and and listen to the brilliance of people like Billy.

Stuart Webb [00:24:23]:

Billy, I can't thank you enough for just spending a few minutes with us. I know you're a really busy guy, and you've got so much experience that that, you know, coming on and doing this has been a has been 20 minutes out of your time that you could probably have used really well. But thank you for coming and spending this few minutes and giving up these these brilliant insights. And and listen, go on go on. Be another 10 today because you're the most inspiring guy I know.

Billy Schwer [00:24:51]:

Stuart, it's been an absolute pleasure to spend some time with you. It's always a pleasure to have a conversation with you. So thank you.

Stuart Webb [00:24:59]:

No problem. Thank you very much.

Billy Schwer [00:25:02]:

And thank you. Can I just

Stuart Webb [00:25:04]:

Go? I'm sorry. I nearly cut you off.

Billy Schwer [00:25:07]:

Yeah. You cut me off. I wanna say, Stuart, I want to the listeners out there, go and subscribe because Stuart is up to something. And you're you're sharing with us, you're bringing to us all these extraordinary people who've got amazing stories. So, Stuart, I wanna acknowledge you for the contribution that you are to us all. So thank you. Thank you.

Stuart Webb [00:25:33]:

Thank you, sir.

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