It's Not You, It's Them... But It Might Be You with LalalaLetMeExplain

WIll I Ever Have Sex Again? With Sofie Hagen

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Episode notes

Sofie Hagen is a Danish comedian, podcaster, fat acceptance campaigner, and author of the new book, Will I Ever Have Sex Again?. In this conversation, Lala speaks with Sofie about the challenges many people face in having the sex they desire, the complexities of dating for fat people, and the importance of honesty in body image discussions. They also delve into Sofie's thoughts on the term "involuntarily celibate" and explore their theory on the four stages of saying no. 

If you'd like to ask Lala a question, get in touch @asklalalaletmeexplain on Instagram and let's navigate this romantic landscape together! 

A Sony Music Entertainment production 

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