It's Not You, It's Them... But It Might Be You with LalalaLetMeExplain

'Quiet On The Set' and Recognising Child Abuse

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Episode notes

WARNING: This episode contains distressing content and imagary relating to the sexual abuse of children.

If you've watched 'Quiet On The Set' the documentary about the abuse suffered by children on Nickelodeon productions, I'm sure you'll be feeling sickened, outraged and appalled at what went on. But it's not just in Hollywood productions that this kind of abuse is occuring. Lala invites on an anonymous guest who decades after his sexual abuse found the strength to speak up.  Lala speaks about what grooming looks like, what signs parents can look out for as possible indications their child is being abused and asks that if anyone thinks they might have been victim of the same abuse as her guest, to please come forward. 


If you think you may have been or know of a victim of this abuse then get in touch with

@asklalaletmeexplain on Instagram.


If you have been a victim of child abuse you can find help here [email protected]


A Sony Music Entertainment production 

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And if you would like to read more from Lala follow the link for her weekly OK Mag column 

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