It's Not You, It's Them... But It Might Be You with LalalaLetMeExplain

Taking Advantage, Taking Money & Taking the Piss!

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Episode notes

Does your situation-ship or Ex owe you money? Is your partner continuously letting you down? Is your child exploring their sexuality, do you know how best to support them? 


Lala helps to answer them all! If you are owed money from your partner or ex partner money and are struggling to get it back you can get help below:

Small Claims Mediation Service

[email protected]

Telephone: 0300 123 4593

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

If you'd like to ask Lala a question yourself, get in touch @asklalaletmeexplain on Instagram and let's navigate this romantic landscape together!

A Sony Music Entertainment production

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And if you would like to read more from Lala follow the link for her weekly

OK Mag column

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