JimJim's Reinvention Revolution Podcast

JJRR 84 Piloting through Covid to entrepreneurship - Stress management and wellness from the cockpit - with Paul Green

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Paul Green is an airline pilot turned entrepreneur that discovered through the pandemic how his cockpit skills are needed now more than ever, even when he's not flying. Listen to JJRR 84 as Paul describes his personal turbulence at the start of the pandemic when his airline went belly up as the world shutdown. Not able to fly, a volunteering encounter provided the lightbulb moment Paul discovered his pilot training could be repurposed to stress management and wellness, spawning his new journey.   


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06:40s The cockpit method – taking lessons from the cockpit and applying it business

08:20s Flight school requirements and having  the right aptitude

10:45s Volunteering during lockdown in the UK and meeting stressed out healthcare workers

14:27s Getting picked up by the BBC world service and making a splash in the media

16:56s Dreaming of being a pilot as a child and being told you’re not good enough

20:15s Chasing what you want but mitigating risk

21:31s Becoming a pilot and moving to Europe

23:10s Getting laid off in 2019 and then again during pandemic in 2020

26:00s Getting kicked to the curb without severance and losing last months wages

27:04s Going into lockdown and finding something to do

29:49s Defining transferrable skills and thinking ways to sell yourself

31:38s Researching / developing business skills

37:11s Flying with Covid, mask vs no mask

40:37s Boeing 737 Max, relying on automation vs flying the plane

45:05s Balancing continuing to fly with running the business

47:18s Embracing technology for streamlining processes

51:34s Leveraging Formula 1pit stop techniques for medical transport

53:20s  Paul’s biggest take away - It doesn’t matter

“It was almost like a rite of passage, that if I’m going to set up my business I need to experience every single step of this entrepreneurs journey.”

“Imagine being a pilot at 38,000ft halfway over the Atlantic when there’s an emergency.  You’re not gonna take the yoga mat out and start meditating.”

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