Liberating Histories
Black Zine Culture
Episode notes
This bonus episode features an interview with Zoe Thompson, founding editor of sweet-thang (2017-), a zine for black women and girls and non-binary people of colour. sweet-thang zine mixes the punk aesthetic of the riot girrrl movement with the vibe of teen zines such as Shocking Pink and the more recent Rookie magazine to create alternative media spaces for black artists and writers. But as Zoe reminds us, sweet-thang zine is also connected to a long history of black print activism in the UK that reaches back to the work of theRace Today Collective as well as the black feminism of the 1970s and 1980s. The conversation explores a range of topics from the importance of representing uncensored bodies, to the value of the printed object in the digital age to creative intimacy, but we begin with the essential question: What is a zine?