Limited Time Only

Time for...A New Year (featuring Chris Clarkson)

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Episode notes

Cue the fireworks! That bit between Christmas and New Year is a time for munching through all the festive chocs while watching films you've seen 100 times before; considering jogging and deciding against it; and, the new tradition, listening to your favourite podcast - LIMITED TIME ONLY!

Esther and Susie are stuffed to the gills on liquorice and turkey but thankfully haven't lost the ability to natter. They discuss resolutions, regifting and cheese rolling; provide a public service involving Auld Lang Syne (thanks to a surprise Scots visitor); and there's a rendition of Gaudete by the 16th Century's answer to the Von Trapp family...cassocks at the ready.

The gals are joined by not one but TWO special guests. The guests are in the same room although they've never been seen in the same room at the same time! Work that out once you've heard them! CHRIS CLARKSON is an actor, singer, presenter, magician and all-round superstar. You name it, he's done it with gusto. Chris is currently in his 21st panto season - his eighth playing the coveted role of Dame. Chris chatted to Susie & Esther from his dressing room at the New Theatre Royal, Lincoln where he's appearing as Dame Ginger Spice in Aladdin. Have a look at the LTO social media accounts to see the full fabulousness of Chris / Ginger in costume! 

Have a very Happy New Year! LTO will be back in January with more chat, comedy sketches and interviews with interesting people. See you then!

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LAKRIDS by BÜLOW - liquorice



Susie & Esther are thrilled to be back in your ears. And over on Patreon too!

Limited Time Only. A pick-me-up in podcast form.


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Music by Joel White aka Small Plates

Listen to his music on Soundcloud

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