Menopause, Marriage and Motherhood

Fake Forgiveness, Passive Aggression and Why Being Grateful Suppresses Women’s Power

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Episode notes

In this episode, Karen reflects on their personal journey of self-discovery and shares their thoughts on gratitude and forgiveness. She explores the idea of gratitude being linked to the patriarchy and how it may be used to suppress women's power. She also discuss forgiveness and express her skepticism towards the concept of "fake forgiveness" and emphasises the importance of honesty and setting boundaries, rather than avoiding confrontation and pretending to forgive.   
Key Takeaways: 

  • How gratitude can occasionally create feelings of powerlessness contrasting with the empowering effect of appreciation.
  • The association of gratitude with dependency may be linked to the patriarchy and the suppression of women's power.
  • How appreciation allows us to take ownership of our creations, providing a more empowering perspective.
  • The consequences of "fake forgiveness" and passive-aggressive behavior
"Fake it till you make it. I don't like that. To me, it's dishonest."   Timestamps
03:12 - Differentiating between gratitude and appreciation
06:44 - Exploring the potential connection between gratitude and the patriarchy
09:51 - Challenging societal expectations of gratitude and appreciation
12:03 - Criticising the insincerity of some expressions of forgiveness and gratitude
15:16 - The importance of being true to oneself
19:07 - Triggering experiences and self-reflection
20:51 - Drawing the line and sending a message to the universe

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