Emma Kennedy

My Family, Mental Illness, and Me

Published: 12 October 2023 at 00:00 UTC

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Episode notes

Author, screenwriter and comedian Emma Kennedy has written about how her mother Brenda's mental illness was undiagnosed in her lifetime, in her book Letters From Brenda: My Mother's Lifetime of Secrets. She speaks with Pamela about the isolation and uncertainty she felt growing up.

If you would like to support children and young people living with parental mental illness, please donate to Our Time here: https://www.justgiving.com/ourtimeuk. To find out more about Our Time, please visit www.ourtime.org.uk/.

If you are affected by anything you hear in this podcast, there are people you can talk to for support. You can contact your GP, www.samaritans.org or www.childline.org.uk. If you are a young person, you could also talk to a teacher or other trusted adult.